
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Soal Hati atau Rupa?

Salam teman sepejuangan...

Dah lama betul hamba tidak berkarya di sini (bak kate abg Hawks kite, ni request special daripada Ketua Genius 4A07)

So, topik hari ni sememangnye tak berniat jahat sangat la tapi untuk same2 kite renungkan ok...kepada yang terase, sememangnye benda di tujukan kat anda la cume gue tak spesifikkan sebab anda bukan hidup sorang2 ok kat dunia ni.

Ok, topik hari ni adalah berkenaan hati perasaan...(jiwang ar kononnye)

Aku dah jumpe macam2 manusia sepanjang aku hidup 22 tahun ni...and manusia yang sememangnye aku sentiase berminat nak tengok semestinye kaum wanita la kn.

What can I say is that, kaum wnaita ni mmg golongan matter in which state how arrogant kite tengok diorg dr luar.

Hey lelaki, kite ade ego...diorg pn sure ade punye....Yang bestnye kite suke comparekan mane yg lebih ego mane yang x without any CONSENT to lower themselves.

Pompuan ni sangat sensitif bile ade lelaki yang menyukai pompuan lain kerana rupe parasnye....percayelah, all of us will get 95% negative response from them.

Ayat piawai diorg, "lelaki memang suke yang cantik2 jek"

And then, comes to the thing where kite dgr sedikit ceramah la tentang rupe x penting, yang penting hati and perangai.


Ok girls, tell u what...u are certainly right about what u said, actually we TOTALLY agree but MOST of the time we refuse to.

Tapi la kan I nak tanya u all, can u really know hati budi seseorang tuh on the first time u meet?

Klu boleh, meh...I mmg berminat nak jumpe u all....

Sebenarnye cmnie ok proses cinta ni...


Agree? Kite sume mule dengan attraction, tanpa attraction korang pun xde BF la...

ATTRACTION = rupe, rambut, gigi, bentuk badan, suara, mata, perfume, ton kulit, sifat,

Dalam ni TIADA soal HATI ok? purely attraction....mostly BF korang start dekat sini dulu.

Tapi sayang, u all suruh kite orang knal hati budi tapi u all stop kite orang at the very first step kiteorg nak get to know u. Why?

Kalau ade lelaki yang nak berkenalan, why u refuse to give him a chance?

Chance here bukan bermaksud u bg dier chance jd BF u, but chances to befriended u ONLY.

I tau most of u takut kalau lelaki tuh tersangkut kat u, TETAPI sebenar u all yang takut tersangkut kat lelaki tuh. So u restricted urself as being LOYAL.

Hidup ni kalau kite nak hidup berdua jek sampai bile, I think better tuhan x payah cipta orang lain untuk jd kawan u, abang u, colleague, boss, pekerja, pekebun utk u. Am I right?

So, kat stage mane kite mostly boleh tau hati budi seseorg?


Kat stage ni sbnrnye, dari attraction tidak same sekali....bile ade orang nak kenal dengan u tak kire laki or pompuan hanya kerana attraction. Niat maybe nak jadikan u BF/GF dier tapi knape u? itulah attarction, byk pompuan/laki lain yg dire boleh approach but why u?

Ape yang indah bagi seseorang, hanya dia yang tahu...

I nak share ni never attached urself to things and people because you'll screw urself, biar benda tuh sentiase ade kat sekeliling DEKAT tapi jangan LEKAT.

Sape kat sini cakap dier x fikir jauh macam aku? TIPU

The moment u restricted someone or something from ur life, u are already thinking FAR.

So guys, jangan halang diri or org yang kamu sayang dengan benda yang u x boleh control.

jatuh cinta x boleh control, perasaan suke x boleh control,

benci u boleh control.....percayelah, train org yang kamu sayang jgn cepat membenci.

Benci lagi mudah dikawal daripada cinta...

Give anyone chances to know u...knape kite suke mengomel yang orang x paham kite itu ini sedangkan kite tak penah bukakan diri kite kepada mereka? diorg benci kite, and then kite yang jauhkan diri pastu salahkan diorg x paham kite?

Ade orang benci kite, confront diorg anything to lose?

Eventually u'll become friend...daripada korang dok hebah kat satu dunia kat FB la forum la, biar kite bodo tapi jangan biar org nmpk kite terlalu jelas n nyata bodo.

Terima kritikan dgn baik, jangan terlalu kesat....sbb mase tuh muke cantik ke x mmg dah x kire ar. Certain mmg x cantik/hensem pun tapi perangai pun mcm muke dier gak and ade gak keberanian nak cakap "muke cantik tak semestinye perangai baik"

the bottomline is...


in whatever manner, it never kills you to do so....

TQ renung2kan selamat beramal. :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


There's a story of a young newly wed....

Mustafa and Lina have been married for almost 3 years, granted with 2 lovely kids...

Both of them love each other, and they were happy, a happy family...

But until one day, the going gets tough...Mustafa get promoted and Lina's boutique business blooms like a flower.

They less communicate and seldom spend their time with children....

Mustafa get to know a lot of friends and so do Lina...

Words spread fast like virus, both of them eventually got in a fight...all that they have been building crumbled piece by piece.

After too much fight, they decided a very harsh finally separated!!

Oh my......they'll leave both of their children into the brink of despair.

Why in the world 3 minutes of 'story' destroying the castle they build for 3 years? 

Napoleon is also not that good in conquering their castle...but why 3 minutes?

They did not RATIONALIZE, they put their 'story' to far ahead their thoughts...BLOCKING everything.

The one that they trust once, become their enemy...and their children suffer the consequences.

SEPARATED and DIVORCE, do you think both of this words the same?

SEPARATED = you have the same feeling but u still have a declaration for you to hold on and keep on believing, your children will see that you are a happy parents even though you're not.

DIVORCE = you have the same feeling WITHOUT a declaration, your children will lose hope...

My dear friend, in any relationship u ever encounter in your wonderful life....u need to be rationalized.

Be it friendship, couples, coursemate, housemate, buddy, colleague, employer-employee....

You might be strong to handle it, but you never know how your children will finally accept it...they may not as strong as you.

THINK, and it never kills to do so....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy Day My Friend

Hallo saye Leo.


Ok...aku nak bgtau korg.

Sebagai seorg lelaki ok, nafsu aku sentiase kepada wanita dan tarikan aku adalah sentiase kepada mereka...

Zaman single pernah di terminate, now zaman single aku kembali activate.

Aku memang PENIPU besar ar klu aku cakap aku x inginkan belaian wanita, dapat msg2 diorg tiap hari, kuar dating, tgk wyg, bercumbu mesra bukan?

YES I DO, I DO WANT THAT....aku bkn jenis disebabkan aku xde gf, aku nak pastikan korg pun xde gf/bf, itu stupid namenye ok.

Hey...single ni cabaran dier hebat gak tau di mana tuhan akan 'sajikan' mata korang degan kehadiran wanita2 yang MEMANG ko nak tp most of the time He will let u fail. Dier akan tunjukkan korg psgn2 couple yg b'kasih mesra...TOLONG jgn tipu diri sendri ok, sekiranye korg rse meluat mkne sbnrnye jauh disudut hati korg mencemburui keadaan itu. Tipu aku xpe, xde effect ngn aku pny...

Walaupun pengalaman bercinta aku x byk, tp yg ade boleh concludekan segalenye ttg bnda ni...

Aku just nak bgtau/kongsi....sekiranya korg seorg yg tabah, aku mmg sokong sekiranya korg memilih utk bercinta skrg. Yes, enjoy ur young age like we used 2 say.

Tapi korg kene tgk n nilai sama ade pasangan korg pn turut tabah...salah sorg slack, x tahan lame pny. Percayelah...korg tabah pn tapi dok asik dgr partner korg ngomel sane2 sini, last2 korg yg kesian ngn dier tgk asik nangis jek psl korg padahal belum langsung lg, belum ade anak lagi, tanggungjawab br seciput dh mcm ni pny sedih.

Ramai yg tny knape aku single aku jwb la...n then aku tny diorg balik, knape diorg couple?

Skema jawapan :

1. Nak kenal hati budi
2. Prepare dulu takut salah buat keputusan
3. Indah kot couple ni, dunia buleh tembus wooo
4. Saje nak enjoy, x bleh ar single2 ni cliche sgt nmpk org kate nnti

Ikut turutan ok darjah kekerapan jawapan yg aku dgr...
Aku wish diorg happiness, seeing people happy buat aku gelak kaw2 pny...
Dulu aku jeles bile dgr member2 aku couple tapi sekarang tidak lagi...aku jelez tgk org yg dah kawin.

Kawin tanggungjawab dier besar...BETUL.
Tanggungjawab mane2 pn bagi aku besar, korg kuar ngn member sekalipun korg still ade tanggungjawab. Klu korg naik keta dier naik bas, xnk hntr xpe tp korg make sure dier balik dulu sblm korg (dpn bas or lrt) balik sbb keadaan korg senang, keadaan sedikit sukar. X salah kan? x kan bile dier dh kat hospital br terase besar tanggungjawab korg?

Aku xmo cakap aku ni baik...n aku pun xmo korg cakap aku camtuh.

JUST make sure hidup korang happy boleh? X happy jgn ar tunjuk terang2 sgt, call family or kawan utk crite...korg downgrade diri sendri bile cerita how sucks ur relationship, sbb awal2 korg akan megah2 sayang sane sini mcm dunia ni korg yg pny, org akan jelez...percayelah, meluat pn ade. So bile korg crite kegagalan relationship korg terang2an? Diorg GELAK for God sake. Do everything moderately...

Aku manusia yg turut berase sedih...most people say something like "ko cakap senang ar, cube kalau kau kene"

That's why I didn't choose tht way 4 now...ramai yg aku berkenan, comel lotte, baik peramah, segale mcm package ade...Go to them to tell "would u be my gf?" I think I don't know...

Lagi cool n respectable bagi aku, dah cukup matang simpanan perkahwinan....confident korg akan mengalahkan setiap lelaki yg ade, klu pompuan yg ko minat tuih ade bf, bf dier dgn machonye akan terase nak pukul ko ar n show yg dier mmg jantan. Tapi dgn duit simpanan korg td, u are a better cause n should be reconsider. Bf dier couple lame2 duit pn  belum tentu terkumpul gak, lame2 msing2 bosan n claim "x serasi" as a result ble clash. Spjg couple duit expenses tuh patutnye dh bleh buat kawin dah rsenye....kate btul2 cinta kan? alasan si lelaki, dier mintak hantaran tinggi sgt...lmbt sikit ar.

*Katekan korg dah kumpul duit 25k just utk kawin, u bring this money to that girl u always like and say something like this...

Miss X, I mmg dah lame minat ngn u, and I wanna be serious with u...
Mr Y, I'm sorry but I'm already taken (dgn muke kerek ar)
(Mr. X dgn muke selamba keluarkan cek)
I have already prepared, not to be ur serious BOYFRIEND but I want to make u my wife 1 day. Hopefully we can start it with a friendship as I know u can't make decision this early but with this MONEY we can get married ANYTIME we like even though u didn't agree now.

Surely u have shown this girl that u got GUTS n u r REALLY SERIOUS, it's better if u tell her if u could befriended her bf. Show her that man never steal but they just can't resist attraction. Eventually u r testing her bf seriousness, and if he hasten his steps and eventually work hard on saving to marry her. Do u got anything to lose? NO...u befriended both right? they got married bcoz of u, u dah sayang tht girl 4 sure...wouldn't u be happier seeing tht she's finally secure and not broken? If her bf withdraw, she will be yours...tht man losing? no..he stops giving her false hope.


Guys, I can explain better through conversation but through writing I have to make sure u understand thing by things. That's why my post usually longer...sorry.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Reminiscent for a while...

Well guys....

dah lama sungguh rasenye x menulis/menaip kat blog...

It's because I was busy with appointment this and that, meeting and so on...

Definitely what move me to spare some time to write is because I would like to share some opinion with u guys.

As I was washing my clothes before, I was singing a song....I keep on singing and switch between song.

Suddenly something caught my mind, it was the lyric of the song, the LOVE song.

Each song I sing refer to something we called LOVERS.

Well, LOVERS = KEKASIH right if it is a Malay song?

So, I've been reminiscent all my past experiences and also my friends'....

WE were all hurt by love and why the hell is that?

Come to think back to the square one, why do people involve in RELATIONSHIP if they already know it hurts so much?

Some of the 'clever' one always say something like 'single is better'....

But in my own opinion, BOTH is no more better than each other...the own who said that was just an escapism for their own incapabilities to handle it, believe'll notice it when one day that person fall in love.

Ok...what I'm trying to actually convey here, haven't you realize where is your position?

Kite pernah dengar kan cinta yang kekal hanya kepada tuhan right? well, I'm trying to be religious but I'm trying to open up your mind a bit to actually reduce your potential pain.

Kite dengar kebanyakan lagu cinta they are referring to KEKASIH right? Ape itu kekasih?

I ask you guys personally, why do you have BF/GF? To make your future partner that accompany you the rest of your life right a.k.a HUSBAND/WIFE?

I can only name 2 songs that refer to your noble cause...1. Pada Syurga Di Wajahmu. 2. Kopratasa song (x ingat lak tajuk ape)

I wanna ask you PERSONALLY, is it necessary to have 'illegal' declaration before you actually married?

I got several answer mostly sounded like this..."nak kenal hati budi dulu"

You are right, not wrong at all....but can't you know it by actually be FRIENDS jek?

Do you think it's really good to know a lot about 1 person huh?

My personal experience...NO

Ok to me, KEKASIH is rightfully for our beloved prophet and God BECAUSE doesn't matter how much your love for them, you CAN'T marry them right? But do you fail at the end by loving them that much? NO

You put the word KEKASIH on your bf/gf TOO much, the one that you're supposed to marry...tell me what's the result??

Guys, by some words it's doesn't look harming at all but actually it does!!

Love song is tempting but it somehow twisting our belief system and perception without we noticed...

My grandfather used to tell me, NEVER tell your love one that you love them TOO much....

I wonder why but judging from his relationship with my late grandmother, I understand now....

Allah loves to test you....when you said that you love your BF/GF forever and ever, and when they cheated you. You curse them...

Totally it's a FAKE, not just them but implemented on YOU too...

Guys, don't waste your energy crying and defending something not GUARANTEED...

You still have a lot to cheat your gf, or your bf is a playboy, does that make you doom for hell? ade jatuh hukum derhaka ke weh??

Lain la kalau you change that GF = WIFE, BF = HUSBAND.....then you can worry!

What wonderful about not being attached that you can still look around, and pick case you intended to go further, make sure it's not GF/BF relationship...proceed to MARRIAGE, kalau duit x cukup..then kumpul duit dulu.

Ade duit.....GF orang pun korang bleh amik ar. Logically, u intended for something noble, married and get children. GF/BF? can have children huh? CAN..and then buang kat tong sampah.

Well...I don't say my method and opinion is ALWAYS right, it's up to you. You got your own brain, u're not satisfied or need explanation. I'm here.

GF/BF relationship is for someone that's strong, I am not but I do need love like others. It's better to me by telling that person I like her and she likes me. We get to know each other without DECLARATION, she is free to befriend any handsome guys out there and eventually get hooked up, and also am I. When the money is enough in the pocket. She's not married and so am I, then I proceed with my intention of marrying her.

With this I somehow reduce my pain up to 80%...(dah macam mathematician lak)

So...good luck guys.

Kepada yang dah couple, cepat2 kawin....couple terlalu lame ni bawak dengki orang..

Kepada yang belum, don't deny things...we all need love and somebody but doesn't mean you have to find a BF/GF. Kumpul duit dulu x kira ar 10 sen ke setiap hari, kalau x penah menyimpan jangan mimpi la nak tunggu keje baru nak menyimpan, couple 10 tahun pun ranap nanti.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Marilah lihat...

Bilaku bersendirian sementara ini...
Fikiranku jauh melayang ke tengah lautan angan-angan
Memandangkan telah 22 kali musim raya aku lalui...
Perasaannye tetap sama, bercampur baur...

Apa yang datang dalam fikiranku sekarang..
Aku ingin mengumpul duit dengan banyak..
Aku dapat kahwin cepat, aku tak mahu tunggu lame-lame.
Bukanlah nak kata aku ni gersang sangat..
Aku tak mahu terjebak dalam perhubungan yang terlalu panjang...
Memberi kata-kata manis terlalu banyak namun akhirnya, KOSONG belaka.
Aku teringin nak dukung anak aku sendiri, bentukkan dia sebagaimana aku cuba membantu orang lain.
Aku teringin nak merasa seseorang (atau lebih) menunggu aku balik di rumah.
Aku teringin nak hidup di mana aku sendiri yang mencorakkannya, hias sendiri.
Dan AKU sahaja yang merasa perit dan manis atas perbuatan aku itu tanpa perlu aku menyalahkan orang lain.
Aku hanya mencari wanita-wanita yang aku suka dan berminat...cukup bagiku mengetahui yang dia suka dan selesa akan diriku TANPA perlu mengikat pertalian GF-BF.
Sampai cukup matang simpananku, antara mereka yang sanggup menerimaku dengan nilai simpanan itu akan aku bina keluargaku sendiri.

Mungkin ada pihak yang akan berkata usia aku muda lagi, tetapi zaman sekarang tidak semuda usia aku..
Fikiran aku bukan setakat diri aku tetapi bakal penyambung keturunan aku.
Aku pernah bercerita yang aku menyimpan cita-cita untuk kahwin ramai..
Mostly aku cerita kat pompuan ar...
Almost 95% negative reaction la semestinya kan....
Tapi kenapa? Sebab aku nak anak ramai..
Pompuan zaman sekarang rata-rata aku dengar nak anak maksimum 4 tapi aku nak lebih.
Kalau aku kawin seorang, aku nak 8 anak...dah orang akan cakap aku buat isteri aku macam kilang la plak.
So kalau 4 seorang, 4 x 4 = 16!!

Aku bukan datang dari kaum kerabat, anak-anak merupakan harta aku. 
Sekiranya aku membina empayar suatu hari nanti, merekalah yang akan meneruskan perjuangan aku..
Aku menolak solution mengambil anak angkat kerana pertalian darah...walaupun sungguhnya kasih sayang tidak membezakan pertalian bukan?

Tapi takpe, aku terlalu runsing tentang dunia dan memikirkan aku bukan insan yang terlalu istimewa buat tuhanku.
Aku berusaha membantu dunia dengan bakal keluargaku, zuriatku....mungkin Dia akan membantu mereka lebih berbanding diriku.
Aku tidak dapat terus mencelah di tengah-tengah 'urusan' dunia dan membetulkan segalanya..

Biarlah aku berhempas pulas sekarang memikirkan strategi dan pelaksananya adalah keluargaku yang akan aku tinggalkan.
Bila kita cerita kat kawan, tidak banyak benda tuh diserap...tapi pertalian darah kita sendiri mungkin lebih, sebab bukan sahaja mereka mendengar tetapi tetapi mengalir dan bergetar di dalam darah mereka.

Pada luaran, aku mungkin nampak seperti seorang yang funky...
Dok merempit sana sini, hidup fikir nak enjoy menghabiskan duit tetapi inilah aku yang sebenarnye...JAUH dalam diri aku.
Perlahan-lahan aku merubah diri untuk mereka, bakal generasi aku...yang akan berBin dan berBinti kan aku.

Kawan-kawan, jangan sia-siakan bakal generasi anda....jangan terlalu sibuk mencari cinta dan bersedih kerananya sehingga terlupa benda yang paling manis dalam perhubungan itu iaitu MELIHAT DIRI ANDA MELALUI MEREKA.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Alkisah Anak-Anak Buah....

Hari ni aku ada cerita menarik nak kongsi..

jangan risau kali ni tidak melibatkan pemikiran yang mendalam..

Cuma pasal karenah anak-anak buah aku....

Cerita Pertama :

Anak buah aku no 3..Ryan Shaqel. Dier ni cunning sikit tapi sifat dier ni la yang buat dier lovable.

Ceritanya macam ni...ketika aku sedang berborak bersama ahli keluargaku yang lain kat ruang tamu.

Ryan datang kepada mamanya (kakakku Sharene Yulianna)..."Mama, Ayen nak main game!" dier punye la merengek kat mama dier sampai mama dier rimas and marah dier.

"Jangan kacau mama la, pergi tanya Uncle Adrie tuh"...Uncle Adrie ni abg ipar aku no 4. So, Ryan ni dengan penuh harapan la pergi kat uncle Adrie ni mana tau rezeki dier dapat la main game. (PS2)

"Uncle Adrie, Ayen nak main game!"...Tapi Uncle Adrie ni memang crook gak la.

Dier ckp ngan Ryan cmnie..."Eh, Uncle tak bleh bagi Ryan main sbb game tuh bukan uncle punye. Ni tanya MASTER ni" sambil tunjuk kt arah aku. Oh, PS2 tuh mmg aku punya la, and mmg aku yang akan pantau budak2 ni main game.

Tapi lepas tuh ape korang agak si Ryan ni buat?

Dier pergi kat aku dengan muke selamba.."Master, master...Ayen nak main game..."

Habis kau, tergelak satu ruang tamu tamu tuh dengar kesanggupan n kepintaran seorang budak menangkap sesuatu perkara untuk memujuk Uncle dier nak main game!!

Ryan...Ryan..ko mmg kelakar. Tapi dier dapat gak main game sbb aku kn uncle yang baik!!! hahahahah

Cerita Kedua :

Ni pasal Ryan gak....mase aku nak try pergi interview Qatar Airways. Aku stay rumah kakak aku kt Pasir Gudang. Kakak aku bawak pergi makan...

So, mase tengah makan...sbg uncle yang baik...aku pun menyakat la si Ryan ni.

Aku tenung jek dier dengan muke x puas hati. Dier pn tanya..."Kenapa uncle tengok Ayen?"

Aku pun dengan kereknye la jawab..."kenapa? dah x boleh tgk Ryan ker? X bleh tgk cakap!!"

Dier diam jek...btw, Ryan ni umur dier baru 5 tahun ok.

Next round aku tenung dier lagi, dier perasan aku tenung dier...pastu korang tau x dier cakap ape agak2?

"boleh tengok Ayen..." tersembur nasi aku dalam mulut mase tuh..bengong tau budak ni.

Cerita Ketiga :

Ni anak sedara aku no 2 plak..Sean Adree umur 6 tahun.

Pernah dengar x lagu It's My Life - Dr. Alban? boleh try cari kt Youtube klu nak dgr.

Biasenye lagu ni digunakan untuk mengejek nama bapak budaknye ISMAIL.

So suatu petang, aku pun nyanyi lagu dengan kuat tapi dengan menyebut IS MA ILL, Ismail my problem tujuannye aku teringat sorang member aku nama bapak dier Ismail mase sekolah dulu.

Tiba2 aku dgr Sean pun nyanyi same kat belakang...IS MA ILL!! (padahal diorang tau lagu tuh macam mane)

Aku punye terkikik2 dengar diorg nyanyi macam tuh...separuh nyawa aku mcm dh hilang sebab gelak jek. hahahha

Cerita Keempat :

Ni mase buka puase first hari tuh kat rumah Kak Loni kt Shah Alam.

Dah prepare sume juadah and ready nak buke, bile time buke husband dier yang bace doa.

Princess Shayna ni dijage oleh bibik dier...agaknye lame sgt kot doa tuh. Shayna dah dok mengaminkan kt belakang. budak tuh belum masuk 2 tahun lagi pun. Time dier amin2 tuh kiteorg dh mule tersenyum sipu tahan gelak...

Tibe waktu maksimum, prooottt...Shayna ni kentut!

Hah kau, daddy dier yang tengah bace doa pun trus tersasul n hilang kekhusyukan membace doa. Aku dh tertahan2 perut mase tuh. Habis jek doa, sume pandang Shayna and gelak ramai2. Budak tuh ape laga, senyum jek memanjang. Murah rezeki kate orang tua2.

Cerita Kelima :

Anak buah pertama aku..Daniel Harris, panggil Danny jek. Dier ni mmg suke bersaing dgn adik aku, Uncle Neal la kan.

Neal ni pun satu mmg kuat menyakat...kiteorg dalam kereta, aku duk diam jek ar kt belakang dgn Neal n Danny. Neal ni ble nampak jek kereta power2 laju mcm BMW ker Mercedes ke dier akan cakap..."Danny, ni uncle Neal pny keta!"  

Budak kan mmg suka bersaing, dier admire la tgk keta tuh padahal tuh bkn keta si Neal pn tapi dier mcm percaye giler ar. Bile keta mcm nak hancur lalu jek si Neal ni akan cakap, "tuh keta mcm nak pecah tuh la keta Danny!" pastu diorg berebut la keta masing2 yang padahal bukan keta diorg. Bengong gak seko2!!

Tapi kan, si Danny ni pny la geram dgn si Neal ni smpi dier pernah cakap..."tak sabar nak tunggu anak uncle Neal, nanti boleh buli!!" Pny la jauh pemikiranye smpi ke situ tapi bapak dier dgr kne la marah...kui3 "Danny, ape buli2 ni?!"....wakakakakaka

Lagi satu mase raye, Nen si Danny ni..(kirenye mak aku la) tanya Danny..."Danny, duit raye ni nak gune untuk minyak ke untuk belanja makan?'

Mase tuh aku dengan Neal ade sekali...korang rase2 dier pilih mane?

Mesti la dier pilih minyak sbb klu belanja makan, dier kne belanja makan uncle Neal ni skali!!

(Mase type crite ni aku mmg memanjang jek gelak!!)

Banyak lagi crite tapi ni aku bagi last la k....

Ayah aku distributor Air Juice BEST, jus yang sodap tuh!! Walaupun kiteorg ni anak2 dier tapi untuk support bisnes ni berkembang, kiteorg kne bayar gak klu nak minum...

Tapi cucu2 dapat free!!!! ewah2...banyak cantik especially Ryan ni la.

Bilik mak aku ade mini bar (fridge kecik macam kt hotel tuh) dalam ni ade banyak ar jus BEST ni.

Ryan ni mengecek ar Dat dier nak satu botol air apple (sure la dapat, cucu kesayangan la katekan)

Dier amik sendri, mintak kiteorg bukakkan...trus teguk laju2...(panas jek hati mase tuh!!)

Lepas habis minum, dier trus nak bukak mini bar tuh nak amik lagi satu...kiteorg menjerit la. (geram pny psl)

Dier pandang kiteorg and cakap..."tau takut!"

Gelak jek ar memanjang kiteorg after that...siot pny budak boleh main acah2 lak.

Ok la...sampai sini saje ceritera hamba!! kite jumpe lagi..

Thursday, August 12, 2010

All men out there....

I told my mother once ago....

I want to get married as soon as possible....

And you know she will say something like..."what the heck?, ko nak bagi anak bini ko makan pasir?"

Hahahahaha....well, what she said is right though but she never knew why in the first place I said that.

What do you think? Why do I really need to get married as soon as possible?

Let me tell you ok...


I got 7 siblings...5 sisters and 1 younger brother.

4 of my sisters already married...leave my 5th sister, me and my younger brother.

I'm Mr. Sharifudin's son and I'm a representative of his BLOODLINE.

Now do you get the importance of this? I believe you are still blur...

My father is about 58 years old now and I was the awaited son of his because of thing called BLOODLINE.

Have you heard of SURNAME? Chinese and all the westerns have this right? this SURNAME represent BLOODLINE.

But all the Malays also have something to represent their BLOODLINE but we rarely see it or realize it.

I give an example ok?

Chew Si Long (man) + Tan Mei Li (woman) = Chew Soon Bee (son), Chew Siew Lee ( daughter)

Chew Soon Bee + Chan Siu Chen = Chew Sze Ping (Chew Si Long's grandchild)

Chew Siew Lee + Soh Guo Zeng = Soh Lee Weng (Chew Si Long's grandchild)

I ask you the different of Chew Sze Ping and Soh Lee Weng? It's their SURNAME even though they're both Si Long's grandchildren right?

Ok now example for a Malay family.

Ahmad Akmal + Siti Suriani = Siti Marina, Siti Zulaikha, Ahmad Sabri

Siti Marina + Mohd Sudfi = Mohd Sulaiman, Amirah Raihan

Siti Zulaikha + Azren Mahmud = Surihana, Mahmudiah

Ahmad Sabri + Maria Syuhaida = Adrie Halim, Nur Suhaila

You can't really see it right? All you could say that Mohd Sulaiman, Amirah Raihan, Surihana, Mahmudiah, Adrie Halim, Nur Suhaila are Ahmad Akmal and Siti Suriani's grandchildren right?

Who is the heritage of Ahmad Akmal directly????? can you point out for me?

It's Adrie Halim and only him. Why?

Ex. Mohd Sulaiman is Mohd Sudfi son but he carries only Sudfi's father bloodline not Ahmad Akmal's
Women never carry their father bloodline because they will be married to a man that carries another bloodline.

In Malays family system, it's rare if you encounter a person BIN or BINTI to the mother right?

[Amirah Raihan Binti Mohd Sudfi Bin Samad]

[Mohd Sulaiman Bin Mohd Sudfi Bin Samad]

Sulaiman is Samad's heritage and Samad's bloodline will stop permanently with Amirah.

Ahmad Akmal's bloodline will stop permanently with Siti Marina and Siti Zulaikha and leave only Ahmad Sabri.

Ahmad Sabri's son, Adrie Halim will carry his name and his grandfather's name. If Adrie manage to have a son, then his son will be Ahmad Akmal's heritage. If he doesn't, then Ahmad Akmal's heritage is loss

Adrie Halim Bin Ahmad Sabri Bin Ahmad Akmal [got it?]

Daniel Hassan Bin Adrie Halim Bin Ahmad Sabri Bin Ahmad Akmal [clear now?]

Indrawan Shah Bin Daniel Hassan Bin Adrie Halim Bin Ahmad Sabri Bin Ahmad Akmal [how bout this?]

Like I am, I'm Allahyarham A. Karim's heritage and my son will continue it.

He never got a chance to see his heritage while he's alive and I didn't get to see him.

My father got 5 grandchildren and you can bet he's a happy grandfather but wouldn't he be happier to see his heritage?

Like we always knew, ajal it's not something we determine right? If I never make my father proud of my achievement, I could just have his heritage keep on going. That's the least I could do a bonus if I can have it while his alive.

We plan but Allah's plan is much better...if we just sit and do nothing? Lu fikir la sendiri...

So guys especially men...don't just think marriage is a place where you build family, but marriage is also an heritage. Make your father 'secretly' proud of you because the thing I revealed is not something people usually discuss or realize.

Being a man is not something easy and not by the means that we are king. Don't forget our responsibility as a women protector. Don't make them lose their hope ok? 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

You don't really know right?

Today is the first day of fasting...

Although the ambients seem normal but I'm sure there are a lot of differences I will find...

Yesterday, I went to UKM to deliver a bouquet of flowers to my friend's girlfriend for her convocation day because he's in Indonesia. Studying really hard...

I did it purposely to honor my promises to him, I'm really proud that I could honor it despite all the trouble that I face that day. If I could see the smile on his face, all the fatigue will be flushed right away.

Oh, I was fasting that I asked Pang Pei Leng to accompany me breaking my fast. She suggested a  place and it's Kg. Baru.

So, riding my beloved Belang R 150 with her....we shoot to Kg. Baru immediately.

We found a suitable place (actually because she kept on bragging that it's already late, hahahhaha)

We sit and enjoyed our food...only I'm the one eating it. She ate only Sotong Goreng Tepung that I ordered for her. Well, we chatted as usual...

After we finished eating, I suggested that we go for a movie...the new release, Avatar - The Last Airbender.

The movie resulted the same as the thing always interestingly happen when watching movie with this particular girl Pang Pei Leng. You could save your drinks till the end of the movie and you'll never feel cold.

Oh, the movie was at 11.45 we got plenty of time to be spent together before the movie start right?

So we went for a walk around Bukit Bintang area where we listen to the street's a very nice tune and Pang really enjoyed by their music, maybe it was her first time watching those performers.

Later, there were fire dance performers....huhuhu. nice one!

About a several minutes before the movie starts, we encounter the Yong Tau Fu and we ate some, she likes (oh getting use to it [terbiasa]) kerang very much I guess.

After we finished watching the movie, it's time to go home!

Upon arriving Bangi, I suggest that I have my first sahur and she agreed...weee

So we talked a lot, I love looking at her but the further I look the more I realize that her name's Pang Pei Leng and mine? Leo Huzair Bin Sharifudin.

Yeah...I'm a Malay and she's a Chinese.

I never really see all the differences (or maybe I say within myself, what the hell?) but she sees it all and holding on to it. Huhuhuhu....

I was having fun all the time with her but I don't really know whether she felt the same aite?

I'll do the best I could for her and for myself. The rest? I leave it to my creator, Allah S.W.T because He knows what the best for me and I'll face no matter how hurt I will feel.

It's good to be back again Leo Huzair...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Aku teringat dulu kenalan aku Dr. Jemi mengatakan dalam blog aku ni penuh dengan keluhan....

Aku check balik satu per satu post untuk menganalisa situasi sebenar.

Apa yang dapat aku 'derive' kan daripada analisa aku?

Aku telah hidup kat dunia ini selama 22 tahun, macam-macam perkara yang dah berlaku dalam hidup aku.

Tetapi '22 tahun' bagi sesetengah orang, mereka mengatakan masih belum cukup mengenali dunia kita ini.

Betul kata mereka tuh, that's why I write this blog...I'm still in the learning process by in the same mean encouraging you to see the perspective along with me.

Aku bukan mengeluh....dah puas mengeluh kot tapi tuhan tak suke orang yang mengeluh.

Benda-benda yang ade dalam kepale otak aku ni bukan untuk kapasiti '1 orang'....I can't do it alone no matter how super genius am I..(kalau genius la, tapi sure tak boleh beat Mr. Hawks)

Please...sesape yang boleh challenge my mind will be so welcomed here. Don't be afraid to have a crazy idea sebab kalau ade orang yang rase benda tuh giler adalah kerana mereka tak mampu nak buat and usually they try to drag us along with them rather than being with us with those crazy ideas.

Finally, I have a platform where there's a possibility I could make acquaintances and a bigger networking.

I don't say that my life is perfect but you know what?

HAPPINESS is a choice....klu mase kene marah or kene pukul, buat you still say that you're happy, it's totally fine. It's your choice...

So...stay contented my fellow readers.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Wonderful - Wondergirl

Hye guys...

It's been a long time I haven't write anything in this blog...

I think it's been missing me...poor little blog!

Well, what I'm going to write about today is bout something rather interesting.

It's called being different!

I like it when something different happening in life you know...because to different = interesting.

But I understand, when I accepted differences doesn't mean the other part will accept it right?

But the key point could worry bout things that MIGHT happen but your life won't move forward if you just keep on worrying.

That's what I am doing right now...

It's a strange feeling when you fall in love with someone different but equally the same.

There will be somebody 'forecasting' of what will happen with the relationship, saying this and that.

I agreed with their opinion seeing that it's not wrong and neither it is right too because it's not happening yet.

The best I could do is PREPARE because either way, both of us will hurt somehow....huhuhu

If you fight fate, you'll never win...if you learn to be with it, there's a chance even a little will suffice.

My dad taught me long time ago never to regret in any of my decisions....

Even if I feel regret, I think I won't tell anyone about it I guess...hahhaaha

To Nur Hidayah Zainal and Wan Amalina Wan Bahrum, both of you really leave a mark in my life. You won't see me appreciate you the way you wanted it because I will never show it. Thanks

I proceed with my life and hoping anything better will come!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Just want you to know....

 I got this song dedicated by the one I love, after reading through the lyric I can still say that she didn't get the point IF 100% this song what she felt right now.

Bukankah Semestinya
Cinta Yang Bisa Membuat Bahagia
Namun Kau Yang Tak Pernah Mahu Mengerti
Ertinya Cinta…
(It's not that I don't understand the essence of love, but I understand it in different way than you do)

Tak Habis Ku Berfikir
Sampai Bila Begini, Ku Menanti
Rasakan Indahnya Cinta…
(well, you won't have it with me because you potray love differently)

Ku Cuba Selalu Untuk Mengerti
Tapi Tak Mampu Bertahan Lagi
Akanku Jalani Hidup
Mengabdi Cinta Yang Pantas Untukku
 (I will be happy IF you can do this)

Ikatan Cinta Sudah Berakhir
Buah Hati kan Menjadi Saksi
Hanya Waktu Menemani
Biar Kenangan Tersimpan Dihati
(Same here, please don't think it's easy for me)


Mengapa Pertengkaran Selalu Ada Antara Kita
Dan Begitu Mudahnya Kau Ucap Kata Ingin Berpisah
Seharusnya Kau Tahu, Takkan Semudah Itu
Bila Memang Kau Tulus Mencintaiku…
(The truth is, you don't realized what the word 'tulus' really mean)

-I know n it seems unreasonable for anyone in this world, but I know why am I doing it...If I ever feel regret then it's only me who feels it and I'm not going to drag ANYONE along. That's my promise-

Friday, July 2, 2010

Kembali lagi...

Mesti korang tertanya-tanya dengan cerita terbaru gadis yg dikenali sebagai Z bukan?

Betapa dirinya memikat begitu ramai hati sukma dan dia bermaharajalela gitu...

Beginilah ceritanya...

Si Z sekarang terpaksa menanggung rindu terhadap Si A kerana kegeniusan Si A yang sudah grad dengan cemerlang. Meninggalkannya terus bersama 'teman setia' kononnya, Si J.

Si F masih menaruh harapan terhadap Si Z namun apakan daya, taste Si Z ni terlalu tinggi menyebabkan Si F masih terus berusaha.

Si J membuatkan hidupnye bz dengan ke hulu ke hilir dengan bidang yang diminatinya, hubungan cintanya dgn Si N masih mekar namun perasaannya terhadap Z tetap tidak boleh dinafikan. Si J hanya mampu tersenyum tatkala si Z menerangkan bahwa terdapat Si F yg lain sedang diperhatikan dalam hidupnye membuatkan Si F yang sudah lame menaruh hati ini, terpaksa makan hati sementara.

Si Z ni amat terkenal dengan sikapnye yang happy-go-lucky, dengan tagline 'NCNL' sebagai pegangan hidup membuatkan semakin ramai jejake cube untuk menembusi hatinya yang seperti Great Wall Of China.

Tetapi, Great Wall Of China pun boleh kecundang...apa entah lagi hati si Z ni. Suatu ketika sedang melepak dengan si J dan rakan2. Si J memperkenalkan Si I kepada Si Z. Si I tampil dengan berwajah kacak n segak membuatkan Si Z tertawan. Senyumannya yang manis melupakan Si Z terhadap Si J mahupun kedua2 Si F yang ade di hatinya. Memandangkan Si A pula sedang bahagia dengan Si W, membuatkan Si Z berkata dalam hatinya, "Ah, tidak salah rasanya kalau aku ingin bersukaria."

Tetapi, Si I begitu pendiam orangnye...ala2 gentleman gitu. Si Z pernah berkate dier hanya nak cari doktor or lelaki yang kaya2 jek. Sedang Si I ni x mencapai matlamatnye namun gelagat Si I begitu menawan hati Si Z hingga membuatkan wjahnya berubah.

-Nantikan kisah Si Z seterusnye-

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I felt funny...

well.....what seems funny with this news?

This is an extension to what I wrote in my previous post.

I'm not trying to be paranoid but I realized it dearly...I looked at the mirror and started to laugh at myself.

It looks like a normal news right?

This news dated on 17th June 2010,  Thursday...

It came from a newspaper which most people read it..

About a week or 2 before this date...the same paper present a news about all the heroic act of those 'sukarelawan' from so called humanitarian organization.

How they faced the near death experience, this and that from the zionist government.

As expected, most of us...were on rage! We cursed the Zionist this and that.

Let's see something fishy about this news...

Look at the word 'attack'....

Yep...can't u see or your refuse the admit that the game you love most is used to cover all the death in Palestine and all their works?

They tell you in television that it's a game that reunite the whole world right?

But reunite for WHAT?

Didn't you realize while your mind off to watch the game, your cheer and even cry or mad when your favourite team losed..

THEY kept on the agenda because WE are in their control...

Pikir ar, x rase mcm kelakar ke?

You oppose violent so much at that time but later you quickly forget about it. You proudly say that you are in full control of your life, your destiny?

They played OUR feelings, make us hate them and secretly WE don't know that we CHEER them up at the same time?

THEY laugh at us EVERY TIME not at just SOMETIME...

'Their moves are BRILLIANT and we're in RECKLESS defenses'

I'm not a so religious type person but even so, I REFUSE to be in their control...

I heard most people said like this...

"Biarlah...berdoa jek kat tuhan yang diorg akan dapat balasannye"

Yup...only partially from what they said is right...

But we have to put an effort and then Allah will granted it...

It's not a war between them and our God..(in my case Allah S.W.T)

It's a war between humanity, WE are the one who feel the pain and having casualties. Our God will only grant us his mighty help.

Tell yourself, it's really fated that THEY will lose one day...but you have to make sure whether you are coming along with THEM or side by side with the right messiah. never use your money to think a little and figure out something brilliant to help those dying people.

Donating and such thing like that will never enough not even a little to ease their pain...because even if you donate a 100 millions, can't you guess where the money flushed to?

Right...laugh now and laugh out loud and think that you are paranoid.

Please, don't waste your talent on joining a 'good' cause but with lack idea and narrow thinking such as bombing this and that.

YOU are much..much better. Please..put your life to end accordingly, not at some part of wall and proudly say that you already done your jihad. Please...

JIHAD it's not something people like us's only the AL MIGHTY's right and will only be His.

With that I thank you all....FREE your mind first!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Lor....lamenye x menjenguk kat blog ni weh.

For actually, ade banyak benda yang boleh tulis kat fact, bkn tulis pn. It's typing!

New topic here this time...

I would like to encourage u guys to be careful with ur surroundings...

Careful means not only to ur physical being but also to ur mental state...

Bukan la maksudnye protect diri korang daripada jadi giler...

But from being control by a wicked being...

Ask urself, how life has lead u so far?

U want to find happiness? I know, each one of u has ur own definition of happiness right?

Some people describe happiness when he/she could find someone to live with...

Some...all the wealth, fame and prosperity will do it

Some..not even sure what makes them happy.

Believe it or each 'happiness' u defined, there will be another extension..

What is it? example. In relationship, if the other person cheating on u...then I know how sad, mad and grief u are going to be. Well...we tell ourselves that we are NOT happy.

That's ur mind...being CONTROLLED!!

We watched movies, television and even showed us UNHAPPY things.

It showed us how war is so devastating, how a person could not be happy if things go wrong if their relationship going worst, how this is bad and that's good...which is the good side and which one is the bad guys?

We watched it nearly everyday right? then we sure believe...we believe that a HAPPY person got NO trouble in their life.

To avoid trouble u SHOULD do this, u SHOULD do that...and we even pass their message to our kids. At the end, we will be happy! is it going to be like that?

They turn the whole things around and we started blur everything out...

To type it here, I really find out that it's difficult to convey my message...

But guys, I hope and I trust that u are wise enough to understand this...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Growing Old

To young we live
To old we perish

You smile here today
Enriched the end of life

We hold onto each other
Hope of not letting go

Silver lining in the sky
Haven't match with lining below eyes
As the thunder grows stronger
Our body shaken with fever

We travel each day
With precised footsteps
We know there'll be followers
To young they live

The day I say I love you
Words perished not
Thoughts live longer
I'm afraid we're not

Through life and denied wishes
I got you the whole life
Happiness through sad times
Will you still smile?

Somethings grow, somethings die
Phase of movement, phase of time
Don't promise me forever and love
Just grow old together and die.

Friday, May 21, 2010

One thing a friend told me...

While I was online and chatting with my friends...

My not-so-distant-friend suddenly asking me something weird that only me usually asked people...

When I was being asked that question, I felt thrilled at the same time....

It's no a wise choice to venture in the question if you're not ready....

She asked about deja vu and something bout dimension...

Hahahaha...well, Mr. Hawks mesti suke tajuk ni...

I tak penah fikir she will ask that kind of question in the middle of the night...I fikir yang maybe dier ade telan sumtin kot. Risau jugak at that time...

So, you all sure penah dengar bout the infamous deja vu right?

Tengok crite Deja Vu lakonan Denzel Washington tapi I yakin korang xkn puas hati sebab agak berbeza dengan tanggapan yang selalu korang dengar..

The usual deja vu that we experience was something like...when you go to a new place, you have a flash/thought in your mind that you've been there somehow...

Another thing, when you talk with your friends in tea time, suddenly your speeches or your friend's caught up your mind like it has been said before..

Actually, you could list it all yourself...

Is deja vu a fraction of future to come? Scientist all around the world are crazy bout predicting the future because they think, who know the future will hold the world..

But for me, deja vu is only a medium for us to uncover all the secrets that have been implemented in our head since our birth by my case, Allah S.W.T

Why I said this? Then why the hell we could only use our brain for a maximum 10%...(Einstein used 16%)

Where are the other 90%? Slipped under your bed? cakes?

It's inside your mind!!

But can you just dig your mind and find it? NO..wanna die then do that.

You wanna create teleportation machine? it's already in your say it's impossible, no it's difficult not impossible. You wanna create a fast growing plant that provide oxygen? Believe me, it's already in your mind.

Deja vu is not future, it's what inside your mind...scientist use to say, in 10 years time a fully man-robot can be created. Actually they can build it now, it's not the matter of time.

Dimension? Hah...alam bunian and barzakh tuh dimension la.

Nothing it this world is static forever even knowledge...

I learn physic when I was in secondary school and in this topic of atom...

It's said that the electron orbits the proton or neutron (x igt la, lame x revise)

But 1 day, I went to a nobel laureate exhibition...the Nobel prize winner said that electrons didn't orbit the proton and neuron but move randomly because of it's active characteristic.

It was the year 2005, and the syllabus before was? Huhuhuhu...

So, when you venture in something awkward inside sure to choose and manage it properly because you might find something magnificent but if you're not, you might lose your mind.

Don't worry, that's us human...we're capable of handling that kind of measurement.

P.S : Thanks my friend...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Women and what are they?

Women are creation of god with several complexes.

In my religion, it was said that they're created from Adam's left rib bones...

Have you guys seen a human rib bones?

 Yeah..this is it.

All of it connects to the center bones I don't know what it's called. (I'm not good in biology)

If you crush this bones, do you understand how complex your life would be?

And that's what we called women..they really are COMPLEX!

But they never realize it....only my kind realize it truly.

That's why my kind was given 9 intelligences (akal) and 1 desire (nafsu)

To reveal all of their complexes and find any possible solution.

But in life, we've seen pictures where women did all the jobs...
keeping the house clean, taking care of the children and plants, wake up in the morning early and wake up the others etc..

It's like they are the one who has the 9 intelligences, right?


But this so called 'intelligence' or 'akal' not to show whose smarter whose not but how they manage themselves..

Don't understand?

I give an example...

Observe a man and a woman when they are angry...what will come from their mouth first?

Women? Mostly babbling bout this and that and heat things up

Men? They keep quiet but only their face shows it...they'll only act when being tempted.

Try make any of this kind angry..

Most of their life problem consist of my kind themselves...

When you see a girl in a relationship not in the mood, their boyfriend was their problem..believe me.

Not their works, assignments or dateline...these things, they can handle it swiftly.

When women are broken, same like the doctors could possibly 'heal' it. Put any spare part to it, it will never works the same.

The result? They became hookers, smoking and take drug, alcoholic and could become really2 mean.

The center bone actually represent man...without the center bone, would a rib called rib?

Maybe you need to find a new name that's all..

So, a woman needs a man no matter how successful they are..they can't live alone or better said they can't be left to live alone.

I've seen a woman being hurt by her ex-bf, she will whine all day and say bad words bout him...

But at the end, she still crying and says she needs him...because personally as man, I would say, "Fuck him and find other man, BETTER one"

Another example, a woman told me that her ex-bf never care bout her feelings and all that...

But in the end, she still wonder whether by talking or consulting to me will hurt his feelings

They said, it's because of LOVE....I agree but why should you whine?

When they whine, they will never find a better man...when they didn't find, they'll say ALL MEN are the same.

Please, quit don't like it because when you're whining you will make an attraction bout how mess their life would be if they spend their life with you

You're hurt by that man, go to him...slap him or something.

When you're whining, at first there will be any person who care and ask bout it, you tell them and they give advice because they expect for you to at least come up with something.

But in my experiences, they never planning to listen...they only wanted to be listened.

The next day? You will see them whining again, again and again...

Women really are complex.

It's a job for my kind to protect them from being broken, and my kind supposedly to be strong...

It's not so easy to break the center bones right? To kill someone easily, just hit their ribs so hard and see what happen..if you keep hitting on the middle it will give you some time before actually succeed

But what happen if the center bone fragile?

The ribs will lose hope!!

A woman counting on a man for her life but the man deceive her and turn her life down...

Then it's not a man, and not a center bone..

But you know, we're not here to judge but to help each other...the mistake we make that we judge each other.

Without the ribs, a person could not live...

Same with us, without women...we will perish without glory and pride!

Men, hating their kind for they are weak will bring us nothing...we are here to make them feel strong from inside out. Help them don't let them lose hope because of us...

Women, quit judging our kind. If there's something you're not sure bout our kind...ask the one who make you feel like that, not other guy not your brother or even your friend...why I said like that?

Because when you asked them you will say like this "kenape LELAKI suke bohong ek?" "Kenapa LELAKI suke buat I macam ni?"...What do you think that MAN would feel?

When you ask the exact person, "kenapa Edy suke bohong ek?" "kenape Edy suke buat I macam ni?"

You will find the truth....

By the way...complicated and complex are 2 different words actually.

Women are complex not complicated....complex is natural, complicated is made. Got it?

Hehehehe....that's why I love them, we should love them because we understand them.

They love us too but they feel hurt because they understand little bout us. So guys, teach them slowly...

I wish you all, men and women..good luck!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Day Has Come Again


Today is the sign of my life has passed 22 years...

Another 8 years I wil be 30 years old..

8 seems so far but I thought of 22 years old would be far away when I was 17..

I 'm a free person...I got to make decision on my own

Find my own income, buid a family, build an empire, I could go to club if I wanted, (strip club if there's any), I have the right to choose my nationality, eligible for voting, joining the politic..

But I'm asking myself, what's so great of growing old while u have a lot to do in your mind but you feel you got only a little time to do it?

Basically, I'm still the same person when I was 18...

Those who know me, could you really tell which part did I change? (except for my weight la)


Sometimes, I wonder does Mr. Hawks realy think I'm a genius or he just wanna make a mockery of me?

Because past 22 years, I did almost NOTHING to the world of even my family...

If next 8 years I might be able to do it, will they be there to witness it?

This day will come again if God's willing and I will keep track of my life during this day, 24 hours given..

Now, I'm left with only 8 hours......................................

Saturday, May 8, 2010

4A07 and 4A15

No di atas adalah rumah aku kat PP...

well sebab sistem no ni senang igt maa...membuatkan aku terlupe rumah2 aku mase sem 3 ke bawah...

4A07 pun aku duduk sebelum tukar name lg tapi tetap aku lupe name lame dier...wakakaka

Ape yg specialnye 2 rumah ni weh?

Ni adalah tempat pertemuan genius2 sejati dowk...

Pada awl, penghuni 4A07 terdiri daripada Ahmad Akmal, Din, Ein and Nashriq..

Diorg semua ni genius weh...

Tapi yg plg genius?? of course ar si Akmal tuh.

Dier berjaya menggodeh internet laman A tuh membuatkan 1 rumah dapat access internet x kire mase. (internet biasenye on mlm waktu tuh)

Din? Peh..try ar borak ngn dier

Ein? Mr. Printing Company

Nashriq? Genius bahagian 'lain'

Akmal roomate aku kt bilik A setelah diminta bertukar oleh Nashriq. Dier x tahan sebab idea Akmal ni gempak2 dowh...

So, aku la jd mangse dier seterusnye...

Aku mmg segan dgn Akmal ni yg mendapat jolokan imam gangster bawak JFJ langgar Pak Brahim...wakakaka acah maak enon

Oh...x lame lps tuh genius baru masuk rumah. Kader, abg seangkatan si Akmal ni. Dier yg banyak ajar aku psl komputer2 ni.

Tapi imam2 pn, mmg sengal dowh mamat ni...dier suke menyanyi and sedap plak tuh suare dier.

Kiteorg psg LAN and layang DOTA jek ar...kuang3

Mase ni kiteorg masih lg JPK, that's y dpt duk 4A07..

Generasi seterusnye, aku dpt rumah yg same hasil pertolongan Akmal, bilik yg sama kipas yg sama loker yg same, well..gne bilik air yg same.

Genius2? Din dah grad begitu juga dengan Kader, Ein sambung master...

Tapi dtg genius baru gak namenye Hassan.

Genius dlm bidang wanita n percakapan...kui3 (mamat ni cute n hensem kot, ramai tibe2 baik ngn aku sebab tau aku housemate dier..oh, n dier MPP IS)

Mase ni genius Akmal ade buat bisnes print..laku gak ar, dier psg CISS tuh jimat.

Tp kiteorg dh kurang berDOTAan..masing2 semakin bz...Hassan sibuk dgn Plant Vs Zombie dier tuh. Ah lupe, genius baru lagi.

Raja Ahmad Saifulnizam....genius relationship kate org. (Akmal pn mintak khidmat nasihat dier)

Lame aku dgn Akmal bertapak kt 4A07 tuh...kite biase dgr, roomate la selalu bergaduh biasenye tapi aku jrg bergaduh dgn Akmal. Terase2 tuh normal la kn...

Aku x mkn, dier bwk mknn...aku boring dier ajak main dota...bile dier giler, dier ajak aku pegi Genting pukul 4 pagi..jahanam dowh otak si Akmal ni.

Segale awek2 Akmal aku knal..chewaah!! termasuk lagu yg dier suke dgr n tiap2 hari dier msti psg..

Andai Dapat Ku Undur Masa - AXL
Careless Whisper - George Michael
Kejoraku Bersatu - Search
Tiada Rahsia Antara Kita - Wings

Last sem, kiteorg sekali lg digandingkan tp bkn kt 4A07 tp 4A15...

Genius baru??

Niko and Didie

Niko ni mmg smart haram, ko kutuk ar dier cmne pn pn last2 ko yg sakit hati...sbb??

Dier akan senyum jek dowh....pakai komputer tercanggih abad kini processor i5 beb!! suke main COH n Tropico 3.

Didie? Genius bz nk mampos, kire genius 'hantu' ar dlm rumah ni..mcm ade mcm xde...weee

Akmal? well..tetap roomate aku kt bilik A la. (aku rase sure dier boring giler dgn aku)

Haru-biru kt 4A15? same ar mcm 4A07...sbb si Akmal ni ade.

Well...last time aku tgk dua2 bilik tuh, aku tersenyum lebar and aku bg penghormatan kepada genius2 yg penah aku knal.

Rumah aku yg lain sebelum dua rumah ni pn ok gk ar dgn bilik B, bersebelah dgn bilik air. Kalau org x tutup paip, hbs bilik aku basah penuh air...Fizy ar yg rajin lap2 kn air tuh, kt bilik tuh ar gak laptop kesayangan dier yg slalu psg lagu Kembali Senyum khas utk aku (sebab aku suke lagu tuh) hilang kene curi dgn kawan baik dier, ironi sungguh beb! Tapi aku lupe lokasi rumah tuh mane satu, serius! That's y aku x tulis, rumah part 1 aku tau lokasinye tapi aku lupe name or no rumah tuh..

Jgn fokus sgt dgn pengalaman x baik beb, sbb nnti kepale sakit  n cepat tua!

Jumpe lg weeee...

Proper Goodbyes


Setiap kali kite berada dalam satu fasa hidup (sekolah rendah, menengah, matrik, Uni or kursus2 singkat)

Kite akan face goodbye with each other yang berada dalam fasa yang sama...

To tell you the truth, not at all of the person in the same phase with you...likes u a lot.

Some will detest you and you also detested them...seems like a never ending story.

Tapi whatever situation yg kite hadapi dengan mereka, kite perlu bagi mereka 'proper goodbye'

It's necessary....

Aku sendiri telah melalui beberapa fasa hidup and aku dapat katakan bahawa aku banyak membuat improper goodbye.

Ape bezanya proper and improper actually?

X kire la sama ade org yg kite berpisah tuh kawan atau musuh kite, we must face them and say goodbye properly.

Orang akan kata, "Aih, dengan musuh pun nak cakap goodbye?" 

Hurm...sedar x sedar, musuh kite tuh dulunye kite knal. Klu bukan kite anggap dier kawan pn, mungkin dier anggap kite kawan cume kerana masalah dalaman masing2 kite tidak sehaluan.

Aku bukan orang yang terbaik kt dunia ni maka aku x layak nak cakap siapa baik siapa tidak...kebaikan bagi aku ade tafsiran tersendiri begitu juga dengan setiap orang yang lain.

Aku sedar bnda ni apabila aku selesai di matrikulasi, aku tengok fasa sebelum ni..banyak improper goodbye yang telah aku buat kerana sakit hati punya pasal..

Well...itu x patut aku lakukan.

Improper goodbye lazimnye goodbye yang sedia terjadi, habis semester or sekolah and korang terus balik tnpa cakap ape2 dengan orang dalam fasa yang sama.

Ataupun goodbye yg korang ckp dalam sms or telephone...

Setelah selesai di UiTM,

Aku dpt listkan improper goodbye yang telah aku buat semester ni dengan orang yg aku bersama dalam UiTM.

Ruzanna Part 5
Ahmad Akmal Mr. Hawks Genius Sejati
Noor Akmal 
Makcik Cleaner Laman A Blok 4
Nad Part 5
Iki Ali Part 2
Ery Part 2
Ikmal Part 2
Ili Fazrin Part 2
Shah Part 2
Fatrim Part 5
Maznie Mazalan Part 4
Ulfah Nasihah Part 4
Zee Part 4
Asmah Account Part 4
Alynn Sayoka Part 4
Pija Account Part 4
Meor Account Part 4
Aina Anith IS Part 6
Ahmad Idzdihar (Didie)
Azuan Haris (Asuang)
Aizat Azam
Rizuan Apple
Liyana Baharem Part 6
Farrahin Anuar Part 6
Abdul Hadi Part 6
Faheszi Mahat Part 6
Nurul Amiera Part 6
Nur Syahidah Part 6
Norafiza Part 6
Tengku Nur Afiqah Part 6
Azrith Sofia Part 6
R. Shamfa Part 5
Fais Faudzi Part 6
Zack Part 2
Khairul Izzat Part 6
Azura Part 6
Nurul Ain IS Part 3
Sheila IS 
Ajim Part 1
Umi Hamira Part 1
Athirah Part 3
Nur Liyana Sarah Yusoff Part 3
Yumni Part 3
M Part 3
Bear2 Part 3

Sapo lagi? tapi list2 ni adalah orang2 yang agak kerap berjumpa pada awal2 tetapi x dpt jumpe plak di saat aku nak balik. huhuhu

Ikutkan aku ade banyak lagi...gedegang!! teruk seyh aku ni.

Proper goodbye cukup dgn jumpe dier berdepan and cakap "bye, goodbye" ucapan good luck ke ape ke x perlu sgt sebenarnye.

Klu kite menyampah ngn org tuh or mungkin org tuh menyampah dgn kite, xkan kite nak membebel lebih2 kn?

Cukup a simple goodbye or selamat tinggal.

Yang peliknye, staf kolej Puncak Perdana yang aku jarang masuk or rapat skali pun...aku dapat bagi diorg proper goodbye hampir kesemuanya.

P.S : Mr. Genius, goodbye bro!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010



I'm not in this world to be an enemy....

But if u insist of me being one, u can try.


I'm not in this world to fulfill ur needs

But still if u insist on me to do that, I'll try my best


I'm not in this world to hear u say this is wrong this right

But I'm still listening to everything u say and take note of it


I'm not in this world to teach...

But I prefer the word sharing..

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Korang sure ade best friend kan?

Yang rapat ngan korang kat dalam kelas, hostel, mase pegi makan n segalenya la...

Korang pun mesti cakap yang kononnye BFF la, BF, FF, FUTE la...

Pendek kata korang sayang kawan korang bukan??

Hahahahahaha....mengarut itu semua.

Sebab aku pernah gak cakap macam tuh tapi hasilnye...hurm

Tapi don't get me wrong ok?

Aku terangkan awal2, aku bukan nak fire sesape kat sini tapi aku cume nak crite suatu story yang agak 'mengejutkan'

Well...dulu mase kat Sekolah Alam Shah waktu tingkatan 4 dulu.

Aku rapat ngan sorang kawan namenya Fazrul, duk sebelah aku kat kelas 4 Maju.

Dier sangat pandai lebih2 lagi dalam subjek Maths sedangkan aku sgt jauh berbeza drpdnya...

So, 1 fine evening waktu prep kalau x silap...

Aku sedang bertungkus-lumus membuat latihan Add Maths bab Function (fungsi)

Fazrul dah siap, budak pandai la katekan..aku mintak dier hint tp dier sruh aku usaha lagi..

tapi dier dok main2 stapler kat tangan aku...aku x tau la ape yang dier fikir mase tuh.

Sampai 1 tahap aku rase annoyed sgt2 dgn ape yang dier buat...

So, aku cakap dalam hati jek...lagi sekali dier buat, aku stapler tangan dier!!

But then, he did it again...

Can u guess what happen after that?


Yep...I still can remember the picture inside my head

Macam mane kaki 'bullet' tuh tertusuk sebelah kat tangan kiri dier...

I was shocked myself because he was no ordinary person to me, not a stranger n not an enemy..


I pulled that bullet myself and after that we didn't say a word...

I think we didn't talk to each other for a week...more or less

Aku pun x ingat sama ada aku pernah mintak maaf kat dier atau tidak...

Both of us NEVER tell the story to ourselves anymore..

That's why aku cakap...BFF, BF, FF tuh semua mengarut.

Sebab aku sayang diorang macam mane pun aku akan tetap 'luka'kn diorang...sama ade aku mksudkan atau x..

Tapi at least, aku x tikam dier dari belakang ar...aku prefer tikam dari depan, nampak sikit muke kesakitan.

To tell that, I'm capable of taking a bullet for my friend but I'm also capable of putting a bullet to my friend...

Hurm, Fazrul...aku tau mmg sakit kene stapler tuh sampai aku x sure mintak maaf tuh sesuai x utk ko mase tuh..

Bagi aku, kalau nak mintak maaf kat ko, ko kne stapler aku balik tmpt yang sama...

Aku sanggup terima tuh tapi aku tau ko x sanggup buat sebab ko orang yang sangat baik..

Guys, be careful...u might just not get a stapler after this..




Si Z mengakui kasih kepada si Z menyebabkan si F makan hati dan bergaduh dengan J...


Setelah sebulan lebih sahabatku Stripe tiada, si J ajak aku keluar sama2...mimpi ape ntah.


Si A berasa aman dengan hidupnya bersama si W tanpa kata2 daripada si B..


Si J mengatakan terdapat seorang yang baru dalam hidupnya?? musykil2...


Kipas bilik aku dah bersih n kembali sejuk sebab si J tuh anak Sultan, x boleh kene habuk or panas2..

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Love, Forgive Me...

When I was a little boy...

I used to play a lot with my younger brother...

Beside that, we also fought a lot...

Until now, I'm not sure why were w fighting for..

But when I was about 5-6 years old...

My beloved mother was pregnant for her 8th child...

You what was I feeling at that moment?

I was very2 happy until I don't what's in my mind anymore..

Everything's going up well and the baby was confirmed to be a girl..

I have always wanted a little sister and I hope she will not bring me pain like my brother did...


1 day, when I was playing in my mother's room while she was lying on her bed...

I stepped on her thumb (kaki)...

You know that a pregnant's woman thumb is very sensitive?

So, what happen after mother was having a miscarriage.

I was broken down and keep on asking my mother why was it happening..

My mother said that "takde rezeki"

But I know, it was my fault...

Knowing that at a very young age, I grew up searching for 'her' forgiveness..

I wonder if she ever question me in the after life because of my fault, she didn't have the chance to see her mother, father, sisters and brothers...

She was about 16-17 years old now...will I get the chance to see her 1 day?

I wanted to ask a forgiveness for her own brother faulty...

My Love, Forgive Me...

Sincerely, your brother..

Monday, April 12, 2010


Once upon a time...

When I was on phone with Mieza discussing bout something..

I received a msg and I read it after I finished talking..

To my surprise, it's a msg indicated that 'somebody' had topped up my maxis no RM10...

At first, I thought that one of my sisters did that but they rarely topped me up without I'm asking...(IF I' am asking pun, susah gak nak dapat..hahahaha)

Then I thought, Hidayah did it later I doubted it...

Then, an anonymous no called me and I answered..

It was an Indian or maybe Bangla

He told me that he falsely put my no instead of his no...(haram betul bikin gempak jek)

And he asked me if I could somehow transfer it back to him...

Who would trust a Bangla right?

Yeah...I didn't and not just Bangla I guess.

But still I intended to give back what's not mine, to tell you that I'm not trying to show that I'm honest or what..

Maxis line was in trouble that night and I sent him a msg telling him that I'll try later when the line is fine..

He didn't reply...

The next day, I tried to do it again but to do a transfer, my credit balance must have over RM4 after I've transfer it.

I held it again and he didn't ask me of that anymore, maybe he's giving up to think that no one's WILL ever return his RM10 credit.

But I've PROMISED him...

Later I got some money from my dad and I topped up my no and redo the transfer and successful!!

STILL no response from him, but who cares? I did my part..

about 2 days later, I got a strange msg...

It's wrote like this..


WTF right?

It was from that guy, when I caught the last line, I was smiling...

NOBODY ever labelled me that...