
Monday, November 28, 2011

Hargai mereka yang ada walau sedikit....

Assalamualaikum W.B.T


Salam sejahtera kepada semua pembaca yang masih sudi membaca. 

Ni nak habaq mai sikit..

Satu kisah dulu kala...

Aku nak tanya korang semua ni?

Pernah tak suatu masa dan ketika itu,

Korang mengharapkan seseorang menghargai kau tetapi tidak mendapat balasan sepatutnya?

Sedih bukan?

Kau hantar mesej, dia tak reply...
Dia hanya cari kau bila waktu diperlukan sahaja..
Kau sibuk tanya khabar dia tapi dia tak pernah nak tanya khabar kau langsung...

Sedihkan? hehehehe

Nak aku tambahkan kesedihan korang lagi?

Semua itu adalah hukum karma dan berpunca daripada korang sendiri...

Aik marah pulak?

Sabar, sabar...meh aku terangkan.

Ni yang nak kongsi kisah ni.

Aku pun pernah berada di situasi di atas...

Tapi tuhan tuh ada cara yang sungguh unik untuk mengingatkan kita dengan kesilapan kita...

Maka Dia kenalkan aku dengan 2 orang teman ni...

Apa kisahnya dengan mereka berdua ni?

Begini ceritanya : 

"Aku ini orang Indo......." eh salah cerita, ini mak Limah

Aku dulu seperti yang di atas la,

Mengharapkan orang menghargai, memahami sehingga aku rasa macam 'suck' gila bila buat baik kat orang...

Secara tidak sedar aku telah jatuh hukum tidak ikhlas....
(FYI, bila tidak ikhlas/mengungkit segala pahala kita ditarik balik)

Tapi mereka berdua ni membuatkan aku segan dengan diri aku sendiri...

Jemi ni dia selalu jek hantar mesej mengarut kat aku, cerita pasal adik dia la, pasal sakit belakang la, cerita dia makan McD tiap-tiap hari pun nak cerita.

Tapi dalam setiap mesej dia, tak pernah tak ada ayat "ko apa kabo mok?"

Haja ni pula,

Rajin sungguh menghantar mesej kat aku tetapi kerajinan aku untuk membalas tidak menyamai beliau...

Ratio mesej yang aku hantar dengan yang aku balas ada la dalam 10 : 1

Kalau mesej awek, laju jek aku balas...

Mereka juga buat apa yang aku buat kat orang lain, 

Sekarang aku merasakan apa perasaan mereka bila aku endahkan mesej mereka

Bila mereka yang sibuk tanya khabar aku tapi aku tidak pernah bertanya khabar mereka..

Benda-benda itu datang tepat kat muka aku...

Kerana mereka ikhlas, 

Sungguhpun mereka terasa dengan perbuatan aku,

Mereka tetap manghargai aku...

Malu dengan mereka berdua ni...

Jadi pembaca sekalian, 

Andainya anda berasa sedemikian..

Periksa semula kawan-kawan anda,

Pernah ke tidak kamu menyinggung perasaannya...

Pernah ke kamu mengendahkannya...

Dan ikhlaskanlah diri anda semua dengan berkawan kerana tuhan akan tunjukkan kepada mereka suatu hari nanti

Sebagaimana yang Dia tunjukkan kepada aku.

Hargai setiap mereka yang hadir dalam hidup kamu,

Kalau mereka itu tidak berguna, apa gunanya tuhan temukan mereka dengan anda?

Tuhan akan sentiasa menilai kita daripada pelbagai aspek yang kita tidak tahu sebenarnya.

Semoga berjaya!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

In this world, there's always two things you have to worry about...

Asssalamualaikum W.B.T


dear beloved readers.

Love you all, love everyone of you.

May you be the reason why I kept on writing or even breathing..

It's been 9 months since my beloved grandpa passed away last February.

His presences still linger around my mind.

Every words, every jokes, every single thing

Oh I do miss him.

He's a man who was very good in painting.

But none of us his grandchildren ever inherits his skill...

That's a sad story...

1 thing he ever taught me was how to do public speaking, how to gain idea quickly by the :

"There's always 2 things you have to worry about"

The idea is simple!

1. Find 1 argument.

Let say.

"In this world, if you wanna go out with your friend.
There's 2 things you have to worry about"

2. Think quickly about what to argue, challenge your mind.

"It's either you go out with someone single or someone's girlfriend"

3. Eliminate 1 possibility from each argument and bring the one forward.

"If you're going out with someone single there's nothing to worry about, but if you're going with someone's girlfriend, there's 2 things you have to worry about"

4. Repeat all the steps until you finally really run out of idea.

This method will surely improve your speaking and brainstorming your mind to the max.

Do this everyday, there you go, undefeated!

But Ya Allah,

I really miss him.

Whenever I'm stuck with problem (especially girl problem)

I will think of him

The funny person I'm becoming is because of him...

Bless him always, if you can convey my message..

Tell him I do miss him and grandma.

In this world, there's always 2 things I have to worry about

It's either I die a happy man or not....

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Kenallah tanpa prejudis...

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Kepada semua pembaca yang disayangi dan dihormati

Yang kacak-kacak, cantik-cantik belaka semuanya

Kali ini aku nak berkongsi pasal sebuah kisah.

Bersituasi seperti ini...

Aku dan teman aku bersiar-siar di suatu petang.

Sehingga aku terjumpa kelibat teman aku yang lain bersama dengan beberapa orang yang tidak aku kenali.

Kami bertegur sapa dan berborak sedikit namun aku menjeling memerhatikan reaksi temannya yang kelihatan sedikit 'blur' kat situ.

Aku menghentikan perbualan dengan menyindir rakanku dengan berkata.

"Kesian kawan kau ni ternganga dok dengar kita berbual, ko nak simpan dia jadi GF ke?"

Mereka berdua tiba-tiba tersentak dan berkata, "eh, takdelah" dengan serentak.

Barulah mula mengenalkan aku dengan mereka semua yang ada.

Pointnya di sini kawan-kawan...

Nak mendapat kawan itu mudah

Tengok sekeliling.

Bukan mudah nak pecah bendungan perasaan malu dengan seseorang..

Tapi apabila kita memegang kunci komunikasi,

Jangan sombong untuk membukakan peluang yang cerah kepada mereka yang lain.

Hey...ingat satu benda

Kau kenalkan kawan perempuan kau kepada lelaki tidak semestinya untuk 'match-mate' diorang bersama.

Bersihkan fikiran korang dengan jenis pemikiran sebegitu.

Jadilah penyumbang kepada keharmonian masyarakat.

Kalau begitu mudah bergosip untuk keburukan orang apa kata gunakan tenaga yang sama untuk mendapatkan kawan baru untuk kawan yang kita yang lain?

Tidak salah bukan?

Sebab bila kata suatu hari nanti kamu dipanggil tuhan

Mereka-mereka akan datang di hari pengebumian kamu sebagai sahabat bersama dan bukan orang asing.

Lembutkanlah lidah kamu untuk mengenalkan kawan-kawan kamu.

Ada faedahnya di masa akan datang...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Mai sini nak dengar cerita gila...

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Wassup yaaaww?

Ok la kali ni masa untuk petikan bahasa Melayu pula kerana dua petikan sebelum ini ditulis 99% bahasa Enggeris.

Saya cintai bahasa Melayu.

Eh ni nak kongsi sikit kisah-kisah lama yang boleh dikatakan gila..

Kisah 1 :
Kejadian ini berlaku masa aku form 1.
Aku bersekolah di sebuah sekolah berasrama penuh di Kuala Lumpur.
Biasanya pergi KL dengan keluarga tatkala musim raya atau ada majlis tertentu sahaja...
Jadi aku ditempatkan pertama kali jauh dari keluarga di sebuah bandar raya.
Kisahnya, aku terlalu 'homesick' jadi aku cabut lari dari sekolah tiru tandangan warden bertugas.
Mungkin sama ada aku terlalu bijak atau warden terlalu cetek akal, aku berjaya dengan gemilangnya.
Tapi pukul 10 malam kot agak-agak la nak percaya...
Maka aku dapat beli tiket bas ke JB dan untuk makluman anda semua, duit aku habis kosong ketika itu.

Aku tiba di Stesen Larkin JB lebih kurang pukul 4 pagi
Bas tiada yang ada teksi jek pada masa tuh (aku bagitaukan duit aku habis?)
Aku nak membuat panggilan pun tidak boleh.
Aku tinggal dekat Skudai, jauh gila kot dari Larkin.
Agaknya apa aku buat?

Tambahan dengan beg besar macam berat budak aku berjalan sehingga sebuah lori berhenti untuk menumpangkan aku.
Sebagai budak aku dengar macam-macam nasihat dan cerita berbahaya...
Ada dua orang India dalamnya, dia nak tumpangkan aku sampai Skudai.
Tapi gila tak gila

Awalnya ok sahaja tapi aku memang dah jangkakan akan ada benda yang berlaku...
Dia berborak-borak seperti biasa sehingga tangan dia mula merayap...
Sebagai lelaki aku hanya tau perempuan jek yang akan ada nafsu dengan aku..
Dalam keadaan itu aku berasa sangat janggal tapi aku tak panik atau melawan.
Aku ligat berfikir penyelesaian.
Pada satu saat lori itu melalui sebuah kedai makan yang biasa aku dengan keluarga melepak.
Kebetulan ada seorang lelaki keluar menggeliat di tepi jalan...
Aku terus cakap
"Uncle, berhenti sini tadi itu pakcik saya dia sudah tunggu situ, saya call tadi"
Sekali lagi aku tekankan.
Sama ada aku terlalu bijak atau itu keling terlalu bengap
Dia percaya.
Tapi masih nak cuba hantar aku sampai Skudai.
(Untuk pengetahuan anda semua yang tidak pernah ke JB, Skudai merupakan penghujung sebelum naik ke highway)
Aku fikir kiranya aku biarkan lori itu akan naik ke highway dan tiba-tiba aku ada kat Thailand, magik!
Bye Leo Huzair.

Tapi aku cakap dengan dia, jangan bikin susah nanti saya panggil uncle saya.
Dia akur dan turunkan aku beberapa meter dari orang tadi, dan bagi aku segala duit syiling yang ada dalam lorinya.
(peh terasa aku macam kene rasuah!!)

Aku bersyukur 
Cuak jugak masa tuh.
Aku sambung perjalanan sambil mengelak kot-kot terserempak dengan ayah aku bila dia nak pergi kerja.
Apabila hampir-hampir tiba kawasan rumah, aku ditumpang oleh bekas pemandu bas aku ketika sekolah rendah. 
Aku cakap yang aku cuti...(hebat bohong aku ni)
Aku minta dia hentikan jauh sikit dari rumah.
Kat situ ada pondok telefon..
Menggunakan duit syiling yang ada aku call rumah, mak aku jawab.
Aku cakap aku baru sampai dari KL tapi bas turunkan aku kat luar Skudai
(Padahal aku ada beberapa meter dari rumah jek)
Berbekalkan kepandaian matematik aku ketika itu...
Aku peruntukan masa yang diambil dari luar untuk masuk ke rumah dalam 45 minit.
(Jadi aku berlegar-legar kat kawasan situ selama 45 minit)
Tadaaaa!! aku sampai rumah

(Ada dialog sikit-sikit dengan mak aku, ayah aku...diorang punya marah masa tuh. Telefon sekolah diorang tak tahu pape.)
Tapi hal di atas diorang tahu?
Diorang hanya tahu pada tahun 2005, kejadian itu pada tahun 2001.
5 tahun aku berjaya simpan cerita itu.
GILA kan?

Bila aku cakap dengan anda semua yang aku memang berani, sila jangan cuba untuk pertikaikan. Hahahaha
Ada banyak lagi cerita gila nanti aku kongsi.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

God created love because it's not an easy thing....

Assalamualaikum W.B.T.

Greetings dear beloved reader.

How are you at the very moment you're reading this?


I hope that you're in an extremely good condition.

This post come back again to a very interesting topic.



I've read several posts about people feeling frustrated, sad and grieving about this particular thing.

Which came up to my mind

"Why is this happening meh?"

Don't you know that love is fascinating?

We learn almost everything inside it.

In love

There's mathematic, chemistry, physic, religious study, management & biology...

You name it, everything's here!

As hard you think learning physic in school

The same degree love is in order...

Do you think involve in love makes your life easier?

Damn, you're going to be in deep shit....!!

Involve in love will make you a better person...

As in pursuit to be a better person,'s NOT easy yaaww!!

If love is an easy thing, this world is full of lazy people!!

Embrace love not because it's beautiful, embrace it because it makes you better!

A little documentary of ME

#She's Gone - Steel Heart

Assalamualaikum W.B.T & Greetings 

Dear beloved reader,

We meet in again in this humble November breeze filled with humidity 

And inconsistent weather change.

Brings out the cold and shiver and to the weak one may resulted in fever.


Already passed meh, the date I'm planning to end my reign of terror to women.

But somehow

It's not granted and yeah time really flies huh?

This story now is about 1 particular girl I got my eyes on since 3 years ago.

If you've met me FTF

You know I'm a type of guy who lay my eyes on EVERY women then why does this one brings out any specialty? 

Good question, eventually a tough one.

I'm Leo

I'm weird enough, smart enough, adorable enough, fast enough, sly enough, cunning enough..

I'm straightforward but I curve and I steer

I'm honest but I make my 20% lies greater than 80% of my truth

I hear but purposely skipping things 

The result?

I'm unpredictable!!

I won't let people predict me...


Lately I've been reviewing myself towards this girl named......

(nak tahu?)

I measure everything, I put possible equation and philosophy...

I mix it together in the sense of feelings and my habits..

Am I really in love with her?

OR I just like her like the rest of other girls...?

When I test myself with the question "do you want to be her boyfriend?"

I paused..................a long time jugak la. (jawapan tak ada juga)

"Then why do you feel jealousy?"

(Hey come on, I admit and finally admitting jealousy, guess what? It's hard yaaaw)

Last 3 years she wasn't single but still I managed to handle..

But when she's single, I feel weird why it's getting even worse..

Sometimes I do wish that she's not single, back to normal pace...

To the serious level I just hope that to erase everything...

What the heaven is happening to me man?

Hah, a sharp needle never brings me trouble

I got beaten by group of senior when I was in primary

The road?

Hehehe...some of my DNA left there

But in the end I'm stuck with a woman.

I really have to resolve this because I got a lot to catch up in life.

Am I afraid of a decision?

Maybe. Ye kot. Tak tahu lah...

I cared too much and somehow none of other boys who got eyes on her ever gain my respect...

But her ex gained mine.

I prayed for her everyday that somehow she can end up with a better person.

I feel so restless if she doesn't...

Because if she really doesn't, I always thinking of disconnecting so that I won't see her crying again...

(Hello? I'm not good in handling a crying girl ok?)

Tapi itu bullshit sebenarnya...hahahaha

Just maybe I have to treat her differently 

I'm not going to stay like this forever what?

My character is still in development.

Because I'm not planning to be her so called 'bro' forever where she never planned to listen or share 

To me, right now I feel the jealousy...

But when she does get a new BF, I expect him to feel the same afterwards... :)

Even my best friend can't stand me when I'm with his GF

Sorry to the other guys,

I'm not claiming I'm the best for her but I just want we all to improve...

We, men are supposed to take care of them what?

Ok truth session.

I do want to be with her
Be there when she needs me
Sing for her
Scold her when she did something wrong..
Pick a dress for her
Guide her which shoes better
Kick all the dogs for her
Carry her when she's too lazy to walk
Buy her a proper birthday cake
Cuddle her when she's cold
And if she dies earlier than me, I'd be the one visiting her everyday

If I lost just to the factor of TIME not of my QUALITY.
I know I will feel sad eventually...
I have to learn allowing myself to cry...

Surely I'll get back up

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Giving up......*what? No!!

Aku sedang duduk di ruang tamu....

Sambil minum secawan kopi-O panas kegemaran aku..

Surat khabar NST yang biasa aku telaah berada di sisi.

Business Times, marketing and investment.

Perkataan-perkataan seperti itu membuatkan aku tersenyum...

Tapi tidak mengapa...

Semalam juga aku mempunyai sedikit perdebatan dengan seseorang mengenai CINTA.

Hey, aku tak suka berdebat untuk menang...

Aku suka tengok macam seseorang itu memusingkan sesuatu dengan bijak dan akhirnya dikunci sendiri oleh kata-kata mereka sendiri.


Aku memberitahu mengenai cerita cinta yang pernah dihadapi aku.

(actually....aku rasa macam 'eeuuuwww' sangat)

Dia membuat andaian yang aku mengalah...

Seteru itu aku membulatkan mata aku yang sememangnya bulat..

"Betul ke andaian yang kau buat?'

Dia diam. Dia bagaikan tahu bila aku bertanya sedemikian sebenarnya memberi ruang untuk membetulkan pernyataannya.

Aku senyum.

"Macam betul gak apa yang kau cakap, aku mula-mula fikir yang aku "give up" tapi aku sendiri silap dengan diri aku sendiri"

Aku mana pernah 'give up'...

Bagi aku kalau dia tetap pilih orang selain aku,

itu pilihan dia

Dia tetap belum tahu pilihan aku...

Betul, aku suka dia dan aku juga dah mula sayangkan dia...

Sakit juga tengok bila orang yang kau sayang dengan orang lain kan?

But hell?

Aku kat sini sediakan satu 'rotan' besar...

Buat silap jek, aku sebat dua2...senang cerita.

Aku manusia biasa, begitu juga mereka...

Aku tidak istimewa bagi mereka, tapi mereka istimewa bagi aku...

Mereka tidak akan memerhatikan aku tapi aku tetap prihatin...


I don't worry of them making mistake....

Mistakes never lessen my love towards anyone....

So, if you think I'm giving up and letting you go just like that...

You are wrong! 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Can I follow you?

Dear my sweet
As much as I'm longing to see you smile
As we're never going to meet
We're getting far miles from miles

Love that that I seek to give
Befall within my own mistake
Wonder am I going to relief 
Pressured from crate to crate

How are you over there?
Definitely better than here
I promise you once to be there
Everyday, thinking of you here

I didn't managed to call your name
Apparently you don't have any
Dear sweet I feel so ashamed
Everyday I feel so tiny

Dear love
Each moment I think of following you
I know it's not my time yet

Supposed you be the one I listen to
The one I caress
The one I'll protect with my life
The reason that I'm fighting for.

But now
I'm not strong enough dear
I keep blaming myself for what happened to you
I do wish it's me instead of you
But it's destined that way

Please do tell them I'm sorry
If I ever whining
You're always part of my history
A beginning crawling to an ending

If we ever given chance to meet
Pray for me dear
I lock you inside my heart
Hope you don't forget me here

[dedicated to my unborn little sister]
May Allah put her soul in blessing

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Answer to the post of friend of mine...


Another post for today...

Actually I wanna make this post long time ago

But found myself too lazy to write.

This regarding to a post


Aku tak terkata membaca post dia

Sedangkan aku kuat memberi kata-kata dan pendapat..

Well, this is it.

Dear Ily...

I know it seems hard facing the story of friend of yours...

Let me share you one story ya?

I got a friend by the name of Faizalzulhisham

When I was in boarding school. Sekolah Alam Shah Putrajaya.

He was a best friend of mine.

He was a partner in Silat practice 

We used to joke around and mocking each other...

The year is 2003.

During my PMR examination struggling year.

You know he suddenly said to our Silat instructor that he wanna quit for his own reason...

I didn't expect anything

When we met, he didn't ever say hi...

Then in 1 Friday morning 
(I don't quite remember the date)

While all of our batch were studying...

We received a heart broken news...

Said that he passed away at his home town..

I am a man

And I DID cry at that moment...

To think that I'm not going to see him again..


It's ok for you to feel sad...

That's how we're being test...

I believe your friend never wanting you to feel sad.

So chinned up dear..!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Story that I've never shared before...

Assalamualaikum W.B.T


How are you everybody?

I hope you guys in a very well condition...

Otherwise you won't be able to read this right...

Tell you what.

I've got a company....

(It's my father's but registered under my name so by law it's legally my company)

Called Sakfly Sdn. Bhd.

(The logo I designed it myself)


I don't run the business, it's all within my father's decision & operation.

We're distributing beverages imported from Egypt with the brand BEST on it.

(Have you seen this or drink this anywhere?)

The company only allowed to distribute at the Southern of Malaysia as agreed in T&C

We started in 2007

And almost 200 shops being distributed...

Lots of hanky panky and arguments

We've been cheated by our own workers...

Being pressed by the supplier

Pressured by the bank loans that in the end being turned down just like!

Left my company a huge sum of debt...

Yeah....I'm a near-millionaire guy of DEBTS worth RM500k dude!

Is it funny to think that other people used to inherit wealth, this and that while what I'm going to inherit is a huge debt?

Yoo...don't get me wrong yeah...

I'm not whining or blaming my parents for this..

Yes, 500k is a huge amount. 

Some of you might think it's not easy to 'fix' that..

The effect of that some affect myself a little bit.

I drifted a lot.

Thinking of a solution along with continuing the life...

Most of the time I'm left clueless...

Because I'm smiling all the time while I'm telling myself...

"are you sure you are smiling?"

So the fight inside my head make me lost of my own capabilities...

My parents are my responsibility.

It's the truth, we children can never understand the true value of being a parent unless we become one.

I will find a way and surely my beloved Allah that I seek help with will show me the way somehow.

Not today, not now maybe but He will help.

Tell you what, it's very depressing until sometimes I don't know why I'm sad of...

I think of this way...

Allah had His reason to burden me with this at the early stage..

If I managed to nail this now...

Then I'm not afraid of what may come afterwards..!!

He wanted me to learn and understand life more more more...

So that I can show everyone that 

He has a VERY STRONG reason why they kept each one of us alive.

He doesn't want me to whine

He wants me to nail this...

My close friend  Captain America once told me..

"You are a tons of firecracker waiting to be exploded but you're out of fire"

I do believe that...

I want to prove him...

So when I do, I'll help him and everyone...

I want to be able saying

"MONEY is NOT everything WHEN I already have lots of it"

I want to show that MONEY really not everything...

I want to be able saying, money is not what controlling me from doing things...

It's hard for me to tell this to anyone...

Well, because I will look like begging for sympathy...

I will be stronger, stronger than ever...

I will be more brave until a lion will be afraid of me 1 day...

And in the end I only afraid of 1 and only...

My creator!

I pray for you guys everyday that you achieve everything you longing for...

I pray for you to be better, healthier and wealthier...

Only pray one thing for me...

Pray that I survive this life...

I need that.


Friday, November 4, 2011


Assalamualaikum W.B.T
to all beloved reader

Lots of things happening around me lately

This my first post in November 2011
It's been almost 4 years this blog have been published..

(Imagine how fast huh?)


Semenjak aku kehilangan teman kesayangan kerana kegagalan enjin untuk berfungsi

Aku dapat rasekan diriku semakin hanyut tanpa arah tuju.

Bagaikan aku turut hilang bersamanya.

Tapi aku bukan seorang suka akui diri berada dalam kesempitan.

Kebanyakan masa aku terlalu ingin bercerita tetapi aku yakin cerita mereka lebih parah.

Jadi aku memilih untuk berdiam, aku neutralkan sahaja di dalam hati.

Bagi aku

Aku lelaki dan aku harus hadapi semuanya ini.

Senyuman aku hampir menghampiri kesempurnaan rekaan versi 10.2

Aku tidak boleh harap orang lain untuk buat aku senyum apa?

Bukan setakat kawan, apa entah keluarga sekalipun..

Aku hanya berharapkan tuhan kerana Dia sentiasa mendengar

Dia kenalkan aku dengan seorang teman.

Very extraordinary.

Ade bakat dalam macam-macam...

Hensem pun hensem.

Dulu aku terkilan dengan sambutan konvokasi aku...

Seolah-olah makan hati la kata orang..

Korang taukan tuhan mengajar kita dengan cara sangat kita tak menduga...

Member aku ni ditakdirkan tuhan parents dia tak dapat hadir ke majlis gemilang dia...

Menusuk jiwa kalbu aku kot...

Dulu aku terasa sebab konvo aku lebih kurang cam harem tapi at least parents aku datang!

(walaupun tak dapat satu bunga pun)


Aku boleh bayangkan perasaan dia so aku decide untuk stay lagi 1 malam so aku boleh datang konvo dier temankan dier at least.

Time panas2 tuh aku pakai 3 piece suit tuh untuk melambangkan 'bapak' dia la konon.

(Suit tuh bapak dia punya tapi dah tak muat so diorang bagi aku)

Tapi aku tetap aku, aku tak boleh gantikan sesiapa

Fikiran aku hanya nak berada di sisi teman-teman saat mereka memerlukan.

Aku tak pernah rancang nak ada best friend sane-sini

Tapi aku selalu merancang nak jadi best friend orang, sebab aku takkan hilang selagi aku tak mati.

Dalam hidup ni aku selalu sediakan diri di saat sesuatu atau seseorang tuh nak ghaib dalam hidup aku.

Tapi hati bukan seperti sistem pertahanan badan, dia tidak imun

Jadi aku kuatkan semangat dan hadapinya.

Andai aku berjaya aku kongsi dengan rakan2 cara yang sama.

Aku matikan perasaan mengungkit, sukar tapi aku harus supaya aku mendapat berkat.

Banyak perkara yang aku perlu susun semula untuk kebaikan diri sendiri.

Banyak perkara hebat yang aku boleh buat akhirnya hanya sekadar menjadi kata2 kosong

Kepada kawan2 yang merasakan layanan terhadap anda dah berlainan dari dulu, maafkan aku.

Aku taknak mix upkan personaliti yang lama dengan personaliti baru yang aku ingin bina.

Ape guna ada minda yang hebat tapi personaliti tak sehebat minda

Tapi aku pastikan aku sentiasa berniat baik.

Aku rase macam nak jerit kuat2 jek.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fact About Guys part 2


1. Guys hate sluts.

2. "Hey, are you busy?" or "Are you doing something?" ~ two phrases guys open with to stop from stammering on the phone.

3. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.

4. Before they call, guys try to plan out a little about what they're gonna say so there aren't awkward pauses, but once he's on the phone he forgets it all and makes it up as he goes.

5. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.

6. Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him.

7. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest. Unless they're goin for the let-her-complain-to-you-and-then-have-her-realize-
how-wonderful-and-nice-you-are method.

8. A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.

9. Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved.

10. Don't talk about your guy friends to your boyfriend.

11. Guys get jealous easily.

12. Guys are more emotional than they'd like people to think.

13. Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.

14. Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.

15. Guys hate asking parents for money to buy girls presents. So they come up with ideas like saving their lunch money for a week. But it never works because guys are always hungry so they end up asking the parents for money anyway.

16. Girls are guys' weaknesses.

17. Guys are very open about themselves.

18. It's good to test a guy first before you trust him. But don't let him wait too long.

19. Your best friend, whom your boyfriend seeks help from about his problems with you may end up being admired by your boyfriend.

20. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.

21. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.

22. Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships.

23. Guys will brag about anything.

24. Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. We rarely use beautiful. If a guy uses that, he likes you.

25. Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to figure out what it meant.

26. Guys seek for advice from girls not other guys. Because most guys think alike, so if one guy's confused, then we're all confused.

27. Any guy could write out a rulebook or advice book for flirting, but no guy can write out a book about relationships.

28. Try to be as straightforward as possible.

29. A guy has to experience rejection, because if he's too-good-never-been-busted, never been in love and hurt, he won't be mature and grown up.

30. If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.

31. No matter how much guys talk about asses and boobs, personality is key.

32. Guys learn from experience not from the romance books that girls read and take as their basis of experience.

33. Guys worry about the thin line between being compassionate and being whipped.

34. If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and is spazzing inside.

35. When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that.

36. When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me."

37. Guys don't really have final decisions.

38. If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.

39. If your best guy friend seems to avoid you or is never around when you're with your boyfriend, he's probably jealous and likes you.

40. When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something.

41. Guys like femininity not feebleness.

42. Guys don't like girls who punch harder than they do.

43. A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.

44. Don't be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and give up easily.

45. Everything in moderation. Put on makeup, wear perfume. Just not too much.

46. Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys.

47. Guys hate rejection, but they hate being led on even more.

48. Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.

49. A guy would give his left nut to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.

50. No guy can handle all his problems by his own. He's just too stubborn to admit it

51. Not all guys are assholes. Just because ONE is a jackass doesnt mean he represents ALL of us.