
Saturday, October 31, 2009

So Sweet

"Kadang-kadang insan yang bergelar manusia ni tak pernah sedar dan perasan apa yang orang lain dah buat terhadap dirinya..."

comel gler ayat ni....sbb aku terfikir lak yang dia tuh manusia ke bukan, confuse aku...

"Tapi bila buat jahat sekali je, berdendam sampai ke anak cucu..."

Wah....emosi dapat dikesan dgn membara di situ!!

1st of all,

It's NOT me who resent you, but it's YOU who resent me....sedar x?

There's no such thing as 'revenge' going through my mind right now...

as for you DO NOT WORTH my revenge at all....apa ntah lg anak cucu ko, igt ni capitalist ker?


"Mungkin selama 21 tahun kau hidup di dunia ni kau tak pernah kenal erti kawan yang sebenarnya...."

betul kate ko tuh, I don't need to klu one day aku akan paham pn bkn kerana or dengan ko. Thanks for reminding me actually...

Jadi, ape itu erti kawan bagi diri ko? pernah pikir?


"Tapi bila buat jahat SEKALI je, berdendam sampai ke anak cucu..."

menarik jugak ayat ni sebab tuh aku tulis 2x...

Aku terfikir, sejahat mana yang dia pernah buat kat aku?

Dia baik giler kot...kejut aku pegi klas, ingatkan aku assignment dah siap blum, bagi aku pinjam duit bile aku sengkek, berusaha untuk ubah style aku dan banyak lagi sebenarnya...I don't have to list it all.

Aku RASE aku perasan semua tuh, tapi ape yang dia perasan tentang aku?

Aku tak turun tolong dia handle budak PBSM? Aku keluar tak ajak dia? Statement2 panas yang aku bagi kat dia?

Actually, he doesn't need to thank me for EVERYTHING if he doesn't feel so because the TRUTH is I did NOTHING to him...

Guys, I really feel like I don't like to promise because I have doubts...and to my surprise, he seems not to have one..

I DON'T promise him to be on his side no matter what happen, but he DID promise me instead...for what has happened, he dares to say that I'm the one who forget/leave/resent/grudge/hate/damn him?

That's fair...

Is that what friendship really means to him?

Ya Allah, was it him you sent to TEACH me the true meaning of friendship?? or Am I mistaken?

huhuhuhu....if that's so, I'll just wait.

It's just TOO bad that he's affected by my previous post in this blog, he felt that way...that's just him, think too much but he never think deep. If only he starts thinking deeper for a while, with his capabilities he'll understand what I really meant for posting that. Just great, he blamed me for starting first (well, who else he got to blame in this situation? himself? hurm, that's just not him)

For real la, this blog was created was not for him, it's for's entitled WHAT I'M GOING TO BE, not WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO BE. I look forward for changing ideas and thoughts in this 'maya' world.

If he's really looking forward to have a real talk, (if only) don't worry...
It's just not fair approaching someone who's in rage while we're in the same state...

I will find one some time because he expect me to do so, that's how a friend do...keep on expecting on you.

till then...see you guys around!


Aiman said...

everybody needs time to think consider & talk

its only a matter of time
just try to take t easy....

jemi ajerai87 said...

hai Leon
ntah la nk ckp camne..erm x pernah aku jumpa mcm korang ni. sumpah!!aku x tau yg mana betul. apa aku rsa korang masing2 wat silap then msng x nak ngaku salah.dlm berkwn biasa la tuh..jgn la sampai x tgr menegur..ko pun satu tul ke org yg rapt2 ngan ko ko x anggap sbg kwn???kalu mcm tu ko bersedia la kerna berleter kat aku nanti...kalu de masa jumpa aku kat libry.aku ade kat sana dr ptn sampai mlm.

madmal said...
