
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Oh tuhan...

"Oh tuhan berikanku kekuatan agarku dapat menempuhi hidup ini mengikut rancangan kau"

ada satu ayat Al-Quran yang aku igt n hafal maknanya selama ini...

bunyi maknanya macam ni...(aku tak nak sebut ayat arabnya takut salah kat mane2 kn)

"Kita merancang, tuhan merancang cuma rancangan tuhan itu lebih baik"

Hurm...ade makne lain gak yg aku dengar...

bunyinye macam ni...

"kita menipu tuhan juga menipu, dan penipuan tuhan itu lebih baik"

makne yang ke-2 ni bunyinye kontroversi sikit la...aku dapat dari satu ceramah mana ntah...

kenapa aku tekankan ayat ni?

aku bukanlah kuat agama sangat pun...and I'm not that bad.

aku tengah berfikir ni...dan fikiran ni datang lepas aku tengok cerita Public Enemies lakonan Jonnhy Depp sebagai criminal yang paling dikehendaki era Depression Amerika dulu.

knape fikiran ni menerawang kat kepale otak aku?

ok...klu u all bace post sebelum ni, u all akan tau mengenai some things yang ade beberapa maksud.

jgn risau, perkaitan antara post sebelum ni x penting sgt.

you can still understand because I believe that you're smart enough.

ok...zaman depression tu muncul golongan2 organized crime yang mencabar pihak berkuasa...

walaupun itu zaman selepas Al-Capone yang sangat terkenal tetapi tetap memberi kesan kepada sejarah...

ok..take note the word 'organized' guys.

yeah..pandai pun, maksudnye 'terancang' kn?

what excited me that the way how 'organised' work...

hurm... RANCANGAN, PLAN dan yg sewaktu dengannye...

let me ask you a question, do you plan before doing something?

akan ada orang2 yang jawab macam ni macam tuh...

orang yang mungkin humble dasarnya mungkin kate dia tidak plan sgt tapi tup2 jadi...(in case dia berjaye la)

orang yang jenis precise, "owh bloody hell yeah, I planned every single thing accordingly."

actually whatever the answer is...PLAN always work whether accordingly or not.

why did I say like that?

some people always mad if somethings fail, and they blame their plan...

plan x jadi la, plan ni teruk la ape la...

but do you realise that it come from you?

ok..let's go back a bit.

These organized crimes gave all the headache to the world right?

ok...what actually brought the headache? it's them or what?

let me tell was their PLANS!! got it?

hurm...came another part of subject in my mind..

macam mana diorang dapat plan2 yang macam tuh? bank robbery? extortion? extermination of other people?

I found that their plans were brilliant and the authorities were stuck.

then back on theories of evolution...the authorities evolved!!

in that era, FBI was established because of their brilliant plans.

what you do to beat your opponent? basic rules beb...get better!

great plans overcame by greater cool was that?

ok...let's get back again.

why did I say plans always work? it is because u are in a plan.

u can say I mean 'GOD's plan' but actually it's plan over plan.

example..if you plan on getting a new gf/bf, u starting to draw some plans...go to the bar/supermarket, calling some old friends who might be single and blah blah...

BUT you failed in the end, I mean your plan la...

u start to wonder why u failed and start blaming on your you ever think u failed because of other people's plan? do you realize that plans chained together?

and in some time you manage to get 1 but not accordingly to your plan, but it could be your gf/bf plans. got it so far?

there are billions of people in this world, each of them has plans that have not been realized..(plans can be realized but needs lot of observation). I suggest there's a chance it's linked together w/o we noticing it.

believe me, it all worked. u understand a bit about PLANS.

PLANS need thinking aite? u think u need to think to produce a good plan, agree?

in my previous post I told that thinking is what differentiate people.

some great thinkers didn't produce a great plan, but their thought being used by great planners...there are a lot of example but better u discover it urself.

have u asked urself, do I have to be clever to plan such a great plan?

the answer is NO...being clever seems to be an advantage but it's not a condition.

if u're stupid, do u stay stupid forever? if u have an answer for this question,any answer...that's a mark to level up ur cleverness.

huhuhuhu...bleh ikut tak setakat ni?

actually, I think I have to write a book about this but before that I need feedback.

let's continue...

I'm not yet a successful person, u may argue about this whether it's right or wrong...

I'm telling u NOT YET...actually I'm doing this because I think a lot and deep.

some people think a lot not deep, some think deep but not a lot...

there's no accurate answer which 1 is good which 1 better.

for now..THINKING + PLANNING + ?? = SUCCESS?? no, I'm gonna use the word SURVIVE.

there's still a lot more to write actually...

because there is an extension to this topic...I need to configure how to link it together neatly for u to understand.

please do discuss with me if u don't understand, who know u might help me in my PLANS..

see you in the next session...


bentosensei said...

salam bro!

Wamakaru wamakarallah, wallahukhairulmakirin..ak pun ingat sgt ayat tu..

Unknown said...

Yep...mmg tu la ayatnye.

ko dh state kn kt situ kire membantu la..

Carldeon said...

Nice idea u got leo.
tp dr ap yg ak dpt scra brief, dats a good way 2 analys situation, the chain of plan is are sure thing.
tp if nk tulis buku sal nie,
hurm, u got the idea but need lots more hujah bernas n senang untuk dicerap.

Unknown said...

Thanks bro...

betul ckp ko tuh..

bkn senang nk tulis sesebuah buku..

kene do lots of research especially bout introducing something ni kn...

anyway, that's a big help.

sensei said... sorg lagi..mentang2 posa,terus menyepi..weh, bgn daa...buat r keje sket..menerap layn perut jer..baring layan mate je..hahaha

Unknown said...

Layan mate ape plak ni?

siapekah anda sbnrnye?